Monday, September 30, 2019
Acting Against Personal Belief to Comply With Other’s Expectations Essay
It is impossible to find a situation in which the individual is not faced with having to act according to the expectations of others. Children react to the expectations of their parents, students must respond to the expectations of fellow students and teachers, employees are guided by the expectations of the employer, and coming full circle, parents feel the expectations of their children. The individual’s moral response to acting in accordance with other’s expectations is very situational. In some circumstances the response is minor. An adolescent may firmly believe good grades are pointless, yet comply with the expectations of parents and teachers. In some cases the response may be much greater. An otherwise honest college student may feel a great deal of remorse when he or she gives in to the demands of a â€Å"significant other†or fraternity to â€Å"share†answers on a take-home exam. The worst-case scenario is the life or death situation. A true pacifist draftee must make the decision to kill someone as the expectations of his fellow soldiers are to obviously protect them from injury or death. Fortunately I have not had to face this sort of dire quandary. The qualifying question is whether the expectation of others goes to what they think is best for me or what is best for the group. Presuming that others honestly have my best interest in mind, I would certainly give weight to their thoughts. This is particularly important when their wisdom and knowledge of a situation is greater than mine. My â€Å"moral compass†has developed from the examples of my family and greater environment, and I alone will have the satisfaction or shame in either living up to or abandoning my beliefs. This was not always easy. I remember breaking a neighbor’s garage window playing ball. I could have run with the other kids, but I told him what had happened because I knew from my parents that it was the right thing to do, an ideal to live up to, and short of endangering the lives of others, I would never give up my ideals. The idea of giving up my ideals is repugnant. I live by my principals and I respect others ideals and principals. Similarly I cannot force my beliefs on anyone, although someone may learn from my example as I have learned from others. I do not believe in bending my ideals to make others happy, besides I could not live with my conscience knowing that I gave up what I believe in to make someone else or an institution happy. Honesty and morality is really all one has; once one compromises up their beliefs and ideals, one loses his sense of self. Perfection is something few, if any of us will ever achieve. At some point in our lives we may succumb to temptation or other factors and temporarily place our sense of morality â€Å"on the shelf†. For instance I may firmly believe in doing the best job possible yet be forced to cut corners by an employer who is under pressure to make a production deadline. I do not have the luxury of quitting and finding another job, and in truth my work is of adequate quality as opposed to the excellent quality I want to produce. My work output will affect the entire company. If I hold up production to meet what I believe is a â€Å"better†standard of quality other workers will suffer the consequences of my decision and make less money because of the slowdown. Similarly, I may have family and teachers who expect me to maintain an excellent GPA. Instead, I find it more important to work to defray the costs of tuition and thus have time to only produce a â€Å"C+†average. In this situation I am the only one affected by my decision. Ethical decisions are not made in a vacuum. In the first example I may have â€Å"compromised†my strong belief in producing quality, and act according to others’ expectations but I can live with it because my actions affect others and my compromise did no harm. In the second situation I cannot live to others expectations particularly when my actions have no effect on them. In either situation the beliefs may differ; what will be important will be my response. Ultimately I must make my decisions based on the effect upon my sense of self as well as what I believe to be the common welfare.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Criminal Law Essay
1. What kind of strike does the law not allow to form the basis of self-defense claims? d. Preemptive Correct Question 2 The castle exception is an exception to what doctrine? a. the retreat doctrine Question 3 Which of the following cases involves the â€Å"New York Subway Vigilante?†c. People v. Goetz (1986) Correct Question 4 Most defenses are perfect defenses; if they’re successful, defendants are c. acquitted. Question 5 The retreat requirement is weakest or nonexistent when persons are attacked b. in their own homes. Correct Question 6 The defense of consent recognizes the societal value of a. individual autonomy. Correct Question 7 A defense in which the defendant admits the act but claims that, under the circumstances, they aren’t legally responsible is called b. excuse. Correct Question 8 A defense in which the defendant accepts responsibility for the act but claims what they did was right is called a. justification. Correct Question 9 Circumstances that convince fact finders that defendants don’t deserve the maximum penalty for the crime they’re convicted of are called c. mitigating circumstances. Correct Question 10 Which of the following never justifies the use of force against another person? a. retaliation Question 11 At the heart of the choice-of-evils defense is the necessity to prevent a. imminent danger. Correct Question 12 A person who was the initial aggressor can gain a lawful right to self-defense if they do which of the following from the incident they started? b. completely withdraw Correct Question 13 A person can use deadly force against an attacker whom the victim reasonably believes is going to cause them an injury less than death. The attacker is said to be threatening b. serious bodily injury. Correct Question 14 What is the heart of self-defense? a. necessity Correct Question 15 The general rule is that self-defense is available only against what type of attacks? b. Legal Question 16 Which of the following is a key requirement of the necessity defense? a. that no reasonable legal option exists for averting the harm Correct Question 17 The law of self-defense is undergoing b. major transformation. Correct Question 18 In some jurisdictions, a person must retreat before using defensive deadly force if a. he can with complete safety to himself and others. Correct Question 19 Defensive force may be used only if the threat or danger is d. imminent. Correct Question 20 Evidence that doesn’t amount to a perfect defense might amount to an imperfect defense; that is, defendants are d. guilty of lesser offenses.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Boudicca the Revolt
But despite the obvious Roman agenda that has been intertwined within the recounts of Tacitus and Dio, they remain to be the only credible primary sources of information and provide the most accurate reports of the revolt’s eruption, core and aftermath. Differences and contradictions exist in both accounts of the revolt, with Tacitus harbouring a more lenient attitude towards the British in his collections, ‘Agricola’ and the ‘Annals’. Tacitus suggests that the underlying cause of the revolt was the mistreatment of the Iceni tribe by the Romans following Prasutagus’ death. Tacitus writes in Agricola, ‘the Britons dwelt much amongst themselves on the miseries of subjection†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ introducing the idea that the native’s rights had been suppressed and that the revolt was partly at the fault of the Roman government. Tacitus, in the Annals, proposes that frustration and resentment grew within the Iceni after the Romans ignored Prasutagus’ will to share the rulership of the tribe between the emperor and his two daughters. Instead, Roman officers and slaves alike attacked his kingdom, publicly flogging his wife, Boudicca, and raping his two daughters. Outrage ensued within the humiliated tribe, subsequently leading to the rise of the revolt. Tacitus’ account of the events that led to the revolt display a soft tone of sympathy towards the natives, whilst also openly criticizing and condemning the treatment the Iceni received; thereby providing the most objective viewpoint of the revolt’s roots. On the other hand, Cassius Dio submits other reasons behind the eruption of Boudicca’s revolt in ‘Dio’s Roman History’. Dio introduces the idea that the Iceni were searching for an ‘excuse’ to strengthen the notion that the Romans were tyrants in order to ignite the rebellion and overthrow the invasion, ‘an excuse for the war was found in the confiscation of sums of money that Claudius had given to the foremost Britons. ’ Dio proceeds to propose another possible cause, focusing on the money that Seneca, hoping to garner profit from interest, lent the natives and later demanded back through harsh strategies. However, Dio concludes that ‘the person who was chiefly instrumental in rousing the natives and persuading them to fight†¦ was Boudicca. Dio’s approach to the revolt presents the British tribes as greedy; killing seventy thousand people for the sake of the money that was taken from them. Cassius Dio projects biasness towards Rome in his work, hence the title of his historical collection ‘Dio’s Roman History’. This is especially clear when Dio, in his collection, chooses to overlook the growing frustration amongst the native tribes that was caused by the aggression of the Romans, as suggested by Tacitus and other minority sources. Manda Scott, British author of the ‘Boudicca’ series, agrees that the financial conflicts between the native tribes and Rome were essential to the breakout of the war; however, she insists that the conflicts were because of Roman greed for money, opposing Dio’s insistence on presenting the blame upon the British natives. Tacitus and Dio’s accounts of the revolt bring forth different perspectives in regards to the causes. Yet, both historians have recorded similar information in regards to the events and the aftermath. In Tacitus’ ‘The Annals’, Boudicca’s army destroyed Camulodunum and burnt down the Temple of Claudius – referred to as ‘Citadel of Tyranny’ by Paul Sealey a major symbolic victory for the Trinovantes, whose land was seized for the construction of the temple. The large army then advanced to Londinium, where Suetonius was awaiting them. However, upon contemplation, Suetonius decided to abandon Londinium to its fate on the basis of his army’s numerical inferiority, a decision that was morally criticized by Tacitus, ‘unmoved by lamentations and appeals, Suetonius gave the signal for departure. Tacitus portrays the rebels as barbaric during their campaign, recounting that they ‘could not wait to cut throats, hang, burn and crucify. ’ Similarly, Dio, in ‘Roman History VIII’ also depicts the Britons as savages by describing in detail their methods of torture, ‘They hung up naked the noblest women an d then cut off their breasts†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ After the rebels ravaged Londinium and Verulamium, in an unknown location, Suetonius gathered his army of 10,000 men. Suetonius positioned his men in a position that gave the British the impression that they were trapped, giving the Romans the advantage of deceiving their opponents before an ambush attack. As Boudicca’s army of, according to Dio, 230,000 men encountered the experienced Roman soldiers, Dio writes that Suetonius ‘could not extend his line the whole length of hers†¦ so inferior they were in numbers. ’ For this reason, the army was divided into three bodies, to which Suetonius delivered three speeches of encouragement and comfort, saying, ‘Up, Romans! Show these accursed wretches how far we surpass them†¦ Fear not. Meanwhile, Boudicca also delivered a speech to her army that further fueled their rage, ‘†¦old people are killed, virgins are raped†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ whilst also giving them confidence to fight, ‘they will never face the din and roar of all our thousands’, before ordering them to charge. As the large army charged toward s the Romans, Tacitus writes that Suetonius signaled his men to throw their javelins at the approaching mass. John Nayler, historical consultant, explainss Suetonius’ strategy as to move as one shielded body, so as to act as a defense, whilst those at the front used their short swords to kill attackers. Meanwhile, Tacitus’ account, ‘then, in wedge formation, they burst forward’, supports this theory. As the battle begun and their forces clashed, Dio’s account suggests that the battle was initially even between both sides as the ‘heavy-armed were opposed to the heavy-armed, cavalry crashed with cavalry†¦the barbarians would assail the Romans with a rush of their chariots. ’ However, as events unfolded, order was lost and chaos unfolded, ‘horsemen would overthrow foot-soldier and foot-soldier strike down horseman. Neither Tacitus nor Dio provide further detail other than that the battle continued ‘for a long time’ but ‘finally, late in the day, the Romans prevailed. ’ As many as eighty thousand Britons fell according to Tacitus, but as for the Roman casualties, both historians deliberately give the illusion that the Romans were not massacred in order to maintain the reputation of their victory. There exist co ntradictions between Tacitus and Dio in regards to Boudicca’s fate, with Tacitus claiming that she poisoned herself whilst Dio writes that he died of illness. Manda Scott supports Tacitus’ account, suggesting that this would be the most plausible explanation considering the grief that Boudicca would have experienced after the mass slaughter of her people as well as the loss of her two daughters. Along with the Britons’ defeat and the loss of their leader, they had also suffered from famine due to neglecting their crops that year. As for the aftermath of the revolt within Rome, Tacitus recounts that Suetonius prolonged the war through punitive operations, gaining criticism from Classicianus. These criticisms, in turn, were received by Rome, who had interests to stop the war immediately so as to save resources and lives. Therefore, Nero sent his freedman, Polyclitus, to assess the situation in Britain, resulting in the replacement of Suetonius by Turpilianus in the hopes of improving relations with the natives. To conclude, Boudicca’s revolt, though ending in a military failure, was a spectacular failure that displayed to the Romans the strength and determination of a race that they had seen as inferior. Due to this revolt, which comprised of inexperienced tribesmen and women, the dynamics of the Roman government in Britain had shifted as Nero realized the core importance of maintaining good relations with the tribes. Both Tacitus and Dio have played major roles in retelling the story of Boudicca and the legacy of her political revolution, providing essential information and details that have helped modern historians to study and observe Boudicca and all the events that surrounded her. s
Friday, September 27, 2019
A critical overview of the three interrelated disciplines of Essay
A critical overview of the three interrelated disciplines of Communication, Media and Culture, and the theoretical and real-world problems they address - Essay Example It strongly emphasizes: how objects contribute in social interaction and how objects can have agency.The way people acquire knowledge by involvement in events and the vital role of networks and sponsors. Literacy is an essential lens for examining changing social practices, such as the effects of new technologies, the phenomenon of the overwork culture,and the growing audit culture. Pursuing how people’s lives are structured by engagement with texts of various kinds’ gives analytic purchase on these and other concepts. In reference to globalization, the examination of literacy practices issues a way of interrogating the complex changes in specific sites. Also, tracing connections between global and local practices, unfolding the exercise of power and documenting local forms of appropriation and resistance. Culture, media, and communication depend on each other for their existence (Golding and Murdock 2000, 70-92.). Communication is the key to a persons’ success, in the workplace, relationships, as a citizen, and across their lifetime (Morreale and Pearson 2000, 1-25). The ability to communicate comes from experience. Effective communication happens when a wanted effect is the outcome of intentional or unintentional information sharing, which translates between multiple entities and acted on in a desired way (Tulsky 2005, 359-365.). This effect ensures that messages do not distort during the communication process. Effective communication should produce the desired effect and maintain the force, with the ability to increase the effect of the message. Thus, effective communication serves the purpose for which sdesigned or intended. Possible purposes might be to invoke change, cause action, create understanding, inform or communicate a particular idea or point of view. When the craved effect is not achieved, factors such as barriers to communicating are explored, with the intention of discovering how communication
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Change Management of an Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Change Management of an Organization - Essay Example So the above mentioned lines are indicating one more interesting technique to reach organizational goals, that is changing the people's attitude, their way of working, and behavior towards work so that organization can reach its objectives through change which is probably the only way for it to reach its goals as modernization automatically changes the surroundings, behaviors of buyers, the variety of competition and so on. The business doesn't get changed itself, nor does it require it self to change with out any need as the profitability (growth) or survival is the core objective of any business, but when it comes to change, only external factors make an organization or business change primarily, afterwards the firm changes it self may be in internal manners. The External change drivers that can be seen commonly in this modern world or from the time the changing took place include Mega Environment1, it further includes Technological Element, in which the modern technology that is used outside the firm, perhaps around the world and by the competitors tends to change the organization, the failure to use such technology can result in loss of values, customers, and most importantly long-term profits. The next external change is brought by Economic Element, of course the change in the country's wealth distribution, it's financial debt and the inflation can create unbalance in an organization or any business, such as the decrease in the price of a certain commodity or product can have some negative impact on the firms profitability, specially if the country in which the organization is operated is a socialist economy in which the government owns a lot than the individuals. The next one is Legal-Political Element, these are somewhat the governm ental forces that affect the business or organization from outside, such as passing a new taxation rule, or a new policy which implementation can also make an organization to change its norms and policies, in such cases the organizations are forced to follow such rules, or they can be penalized. The Socio-cultural Elements is another external change driver, here the attitudes, norms, traditions, behaviors etc. that the people of the country in which the organization is operated follow, a good example is that if a food business is being operated and Muslims somehow enter into that area demanding the cautionary meat, the organization would have to change and would have to start making the demanded meat. The last of Mega environments is International Element, these are general norms followed by the organizations being operated around the globe, for instance, the McDonald's in every country has to follow somewhat the same standards that parent company is following, other wise it can be penalized. Now lets discuss an other sort of External Change driver, it is called Task Environment2, it includes Customer and Clients, of course they are the only ones because of whom change is adopted, the customers
Why the Diagnosogenic theory of stuttering onset has been dispelled by Essay
Why the Diagnosogenic theory of stuttering onset has been dispelled by recent literature - Essay Example Neurophysiology- Recent research has shown that people who stutter process speech and language in different areas of the brain than those who do not stutter. Family dynamics-High expectations and fast-paced lifestyles can contribute to stuttering. Technically known as dysphemia, it has sometimes been attributed to an underlying personality disorder. Brain scans of stutterers have found higher than normal activity in brain areas that coordinate conscious movement, suggesting that in people who stutter speech occurs less automatically than it does in most people. In 1939, a controversial study, on the possibility of "creating a stutterer", was conducted by University of Iowa speech pathologist, Wendell Johnson and his graduate student Mary Tudor. The study tried to create stutterers over the course of 4 months, using 22 unwitting orphans from the Soldiers and Sailors Orphan's Home in Davenport, Iowa. Ethically acceptable at the time, it was designed to induce stuttering in normally fluent children and to test out Johnson's "Diagnosogenic theory" a theory suggesting that negative reactions to normal speech disfluencies cause stuttering in children. The study divided the orphans into 3 groups. 6 normally fluent orphans would be given negative evaluations and criticisms regarding their speech, another group of 5 orphans who allegedly already stuttered would also receive that treatment, and the remaining 11 would be treated neutrally. The study concluded that the children given negative evaluative labeling went on to develop persistent, permanen t stutters. The study was influential at the time, with many speech pathologists and child-health and educational professionals accepting Johnson's theory. In 1988, Silverman first reported the results of this study in the Journal of Fluency Disorders and labeled it "The Monster Study". In June 2001, the San Jose Mercury News revealed this study to the public for the first time, leading to widespread controversy and debate about scientific ethics. Soon after, University of Illinois professors Nicoline Ambrose and Ehud Yairi wrote a paper discrediting the 1939 study, revealing flaws in data collection and method, as well as pointing out that none of the orphans actually did develop a permanent stutter. The relevance of the Ambrose-Yairi study 63 years later is that the authors conclude, in effect, that the 1939 thesis did not prove the theory with which it is credited. In other words, the researcher did not, and could not have, "caused stuttering" in the subjects. For this and many other reasons the authors also conclude that most all of the ethical criticisms of the study are misplaced and unjustified. While criticism of a developing child's speech can certainly make a present stutter worse, it does not create a stutter. The major findings, as have been reported over the last several years in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSLHR), question longstanding concepts about the onset and developmental trends of early childhood stuttering. Like most other speech disorders, stuttering onset was gradual and occurred under uneventful circumstances, that early symptoms included only easy repetition of syllables and words, and that parents helped create the problem by reacting negatively to normal disfluencies. Stuttering onset was sudden in at least one-third of the children, was severe in nature,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Eassy - Essay Example This paper shall compare non-profit and profit healthcare organizations particularly focusing on the following aspects of these organizations: mission and purpose, organizational structure and scope, governance and oversight, leadership styles, expectations and accountability, compensation practices, strategic planning and budgeting processes, stewardship and fiscal responsibility, ethical challenges and dilemmas, investor relations, community benefit, social responsibility and stakeholder responsibility, potential impact of health reform on organizational initiatives, environment and organizational culture, and performance improvement and effectiveness – quality measures and indicators. These parameters shall provide a clear picture of distinctions in the application of these two types of organizations. Discussion The main distinction between the profit and the non-profit organizations is that one organization is driven by profit and the other is not driven by profit. More sp ecific differences shall be discussed below. Mission and Purpose Non-profit healthcare organizations have basically an altruistic and non-monetary mission and purpose. Drucker (in Cox, p. ... 2). The mission of non-profit health organizations is not to maximize profits, but to serve the members of the community where it is physically located, providing the members of the community the best healthcare services they can offer (Cleverley,, p. 8). On the other hand, for profit organizations have more financially-related purposes. Its goal of earning profits is mostly sought for distribution to its investor-owners or for reinvestment to the organization for the long-term benefit of these investors (Cleverley,, p. 8). In effect, for profit organizations are usually owned by investors, whereas non-profit organizations are owned by entire communities; and while non-profit organizations seek to benefit the community, the for-profit healthcare organizations aim to benefit its owners and investors. Money contributed to the organization are given with the hope of doubling or earning more profits, whereas, money given or invested to nonprofit organizations are not expect ed to make profits, but they are expected to serve the larger community. The growth in the organization is actually stated in terms of growth, efficiency, and quality; whereas, the mission for non-profit organizations are stated in terms of charity and community service, alongside growth (Gray and Institute of Medicine, p. 6). Organizational Structure and Scope Organizational structures specify the roles and responsibilities of individuals which are tasked with pursuing and fulfilling the goals of the organization (Zietlow,, p. 5). Assigned individuals include the board of directors/board of trustees, committees, staff, officers, outside contractors,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Molecular identity of nkcc cotransporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Molecular identity of nkcc cotransporter - Essay Example This property is of special significance to the project as the emphasis of research is on the NKCC1 member, one that is known to have two isoforms – NKCC1a and NKCC1b. Of these NKCC1b is also known to be found in brain RNA (Gamba, 2005). It is noted here, though, that the two isoforms of the NKCC1 cotransporter is found only in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) as per research of Cutler and Cramb, 2002. Nevertheless, there is ample evidence that NKCC1, in human and other mammalian species, is functionally implicated in CNS cells. It is observed by Gamba, 2005, that the NKCC1 cotransporter is activated by receptors and assists in neurotransmission by driving anions into the cell. It is also observed by Strange et al, 2000, that the work of the NKCC1 cotransporter complements that of the KCC2 one. The choice of the culture medium, the neuronal-specific CAD cell line, and the somewhat CNS-specific NKCC1 dovetails perfectly for a research attempt that seeks to establish new fac ts on the molecular identity and other expression patterns of these unique electroneutral cotransporters in cells of the central nervous system (CNS). G. Gamba’s excellent 2005 review article on these cotransporters has been extensively used in this paper because it is the most comprehensive document prepared to date being inclusive of all aspects described so far. RT-PCR analysis was carried out on the murine neuronal cell line CAD on both differentiated and undifferentiated cells. Isolated RNA from both differentiated and undifferentiated cells was used. Annealing temperatures used were at C - C at 40 cycles for a maximum of one minute. Primers 10bp in length were used with a gc content above 50%, as recommended (Ribicki, 2001). Upon gel electrophoresis of all the products it was revealed that a ~286 bp bit, exactly as long as the PCR insert, was apparent in all the gels for both differentiated and undifferentiated cells at all PCR
Monday, September 23, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 20
Leadership - Essay Example The interest to consider leadership under study has developed theories about it in reference to the qualities that should be possessed by those leading others and some of the considered views include; a leader should be charismatic, intelligent, organized, and analytical among others (Mayer, 110). Leadership demonstrates a wide consideration that is not limited in any way. For instance, leadership may exist in the lowest category possible like leading workers in a company, leading a union or demonstrating leadership in the civil right movement. There is also the national leadership, which is a subject to election and leads the people by enacting laws through legislation processes. It should be noted though that the principle of leadership does not change and is irrelevant of the cadres through which one is offering leadership to the people. Given the role and the definition of a leader as stipulated in the above explanation, it is clear that in leadership we need one who takes the interest and the well-being of the people a head of any other interest. One must consult with the people engage them, and do exactly as they have agreed with them. Most of the popular leaders that the world has had were people-oriented; they organized, advised, and took the will of the people selfishly so that they could achieve their desires. Again, at the apex of leadership, one has to posses some qualities that will help understand the masses (Adair, 75). It should be appreciated that in leadership, one is bound to deal with many categories of people all who deserves to be attended to without discrimination; otherwise, you will end up not being a good leader. When at the leadership level, one understand that the rest are vulnerable to your decision, they easily fall a prey to leaders’ advises, this then dictates that one has to guide what making utterances that might be inflammatory. The people always bestow some degree of respect and trust
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Progressive era Essay Example for Free
Progressive era Essay The Progressive Era was a period of social and political reformation that flourished under the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson. When the United States entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917, the whole nation was united under a moral cause. However, the war quickly busied Americans creating no time for Progressive movements and the events following the war put an end to the Era all together. During the beginning of the war, Wilson’s foreign policy was to remain on a neutral tide. With his reelection, he even won against Charles Hughes under his slogan, â€Å"He kept us out of war†, that persuaded Americans that choosing Hughes would lead them into direct contact with the war. Americans united under this foreign policy trying to stay out of European affairs under the philosophy of isolationism. When Germany’s unauthorized submarines caused for the sinking of the RMS Lusitania and their efforts chose to continue unrestricted submarine warfare the United States was infuriated. This is one factor that kept the United States busy with working to remain excluded from war. However, President Wilson addressed to Congress and declared he wanted â€Å"to make the world safe for democracy†, leading America into World War 1, under this moral cause. (Doc 2) Now that the United States was in the war, Americans started to become less concerned with social reforms and busier working, supporting, and fighting the war together. Women, for one, took over the jobs of all the men who went out to war, and worked to supply the belligerents, keeping women very busy. The United States Food Administration, under Herbert Hoover, promoted rationing of food through â€Å"Meatless Mondays†and â€Å"Wheatless Wednesdays†. This helped to conserve food and save for those fighting overseas. (Doc 6) Trench warfare was how most of World War 1 was fought and living in these trenches was rather a tough condition. This ensured that supporting and working hard together in America for our men was required to aid their health and capability of being able to fight effectively. (Doc 3) The war ended with a high number of casualties for America. Many of these casualties resulted from the influenza epidemic that attacked the world’s population and battle fights, such as those that occurred highly within the use of trenches. (Doc 3) This high death effected lives of Americans and their families, keeping them from being motivated to continue the Progressive movement. The Treaty of Versailles created at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, put an end to World War 1, but did so with a lot of problems. President Wilson, as devised in his 14 Point Peace Plan called for a creation of a League of Nations, an international peace organization. This organization caused for a split in American views. The United States, as a majority, voted not to join, as it took away the power of Congress to declare war and would ruin America’s self-determination. (Doc 9) This split in decision effected formally agreeing and creating more social reforms. The Progressive Era ended with World War 1, as many Americans were too busy with a plethora of events to help the United States fight the war. When the United States entered the war, they were morally united under a new crusade. However, they had to put their further ideas of reformations on hold as the war demanded serious attention to be fought effectively. The further Americans became deeply involved into the war, the further attention was dragged away from the progressive movement. Even after the war was over, Americans were still busy caught up in dealing with the aftermath and the approach of another worldwide outbreak.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Learning Development Plan for Masters Business Programme
Learning Development Plan for Masters Business Programme This assignment will review my Learning Development Plan for next 12 months to enable me to progress through a training program Master of business administration in a proper and organised manner. Briefly I will describe the Big picture about what is happening in the world and in the industry of my profession. Specific the Mega trends and Challenges from several dimension following with PEST analysis. In the assignment I will focus on my Goals, how I see myself in this profession, my professional values, ethics and social responsibility, socio-cultural and personal competencies, managerial and technical competencies and competencies needed. The last part of the assignment will review proposed professional development plan, SWOT analysis and formulation of strategies. At the beginning of the Reflective Essay I would like to introduce myself. I was born in the Czech Republic where I spent most of my life with my supporting and lovely family. Since my childhood I have been interested in sports, mostly in hockey and tennis and it has stayed with me until my adult age. When I was 14 years old I was nominated to the national hockey team where I spent next 4 years and I really enjoyed this period of my life and I learned how to be a team player. As the national hockey team we participated in many of the European cups. After I graduated in a College of management for business and industry in 2002 I chose an international company where I started to work as an assistant of purchaser of sports clothing. I chose the company because I have really strong connection to the sports and the position because I have been interested in the international business. While I was working there as an assistant I had very strong passion to learn more about the international business and I participated in many of training lessons about the international business. The company saw found me as an employee who has very strong passion for the job and the company had given me the opportunity to be promoted as a purchaser. On the position as a purchaser I got a lot of responsibility for my job. My main duties were to select the right products for the Czech market, prepare the purchase orders under the proposed budget, supervise the planned turnover and sales plan, work on the budget based on previous sales statistics and achievements, monitor the stocks, determinate sales prices, discounts and clearance sales, monitor competitors, negotiate contracts and policies with suppliers and analyse the market and customer needs. At this part of my duties I found myself very strong in numbers and I achieved very good results in budgeting, planning of turnovers and in choosing the products. As I mentioned I worked in the international company with the head office in Austria and I realised I was limited with my major managers in my plans and decisions and sometimes I wasnt able to enforce my ideas and I had to follow the decisions of my major managers even I knew the Czech market very well. Here I found out myself as a not enough strong employee and I was also missing the support from my boss. The next part of my duties was to coordinate with the marketing department. Our cooperation was about to visualize the company with products what we are offering to customers. The cooperation was about to prepare the plan of the marketing activities with the right products and with the combination of best quality and price. During the cooperation with the marketing department I found out that I have to learn more about the marketing principles and how to get the customer attention. In this company I worked 9 years and I really enjoyed the time. I learned a lot and I found out about me that I am very responsible person with the passion of the learning new things and for this reason I decided to improve my knowledge and skills with the study based on program Master of business administration and to improve and avoid the gaps in my path to be a successful professional purchasing manager. After the graduation in the course Master of business of administration I want to come back in to the same field purchasing. A period of greater political uncertainty has occurred in the world. The impacts on global economic growth and business performance might come from different sides of the world. The European Union is expecting the Elections in the largest Eurozone economies (Italy, Germany, and France) which can affect and threaten the existence and connection of the European Union. The migration crisis in Europe has been continuing and the opinions of the voters are more radical consequently to the migration crisis. Probably soon the Great Britany will apply for the process of the leaving the European Union. There is a question Will survive the European Union or will dissolve? after leaving the Great Britany. A divided European union will be big advantage for Russia to consolidate Russians influence in its borderlands. (ref. ; face-uncertain-times/news-story/e110b20a288ed3326576d6ec911cc000 ; 16.03.17) Americans had already voted for new president and the dramatic Elections of the new president won Donald Trump. Mr Trump promises he will back away from overseas obligations and get the rest of the world to do more across the globe. (ref. ; 16.03.17) For some reasons the year 2017 might be more difficult for investors. Importantly, the strong US economy will almost certainly result in higher official US interest rates. This will present difficulties for those countries, including Australia, that are dependent on inflows of foreign capital. For Australians, the biggest concern is an adverse impact on our major trading partner, China. Continued strength in Asian economies is particularly important for both commodity prices and the world economy because of the likely problems in the European Union. (ref. ; 16.03.17) 2017 might be a period of uncertainty. Caution will be needed. In this part of my LD plan I will focus on the industry Wholesale and Retail trade in the profession as a purchaser. The internet website have published national statistics about Wholesale and Retail trade in employment conditions. The national statistics have indicated that the job offerings in Purchasing and Supply Logistic Clerk are expected to be more than average for the next 5 years. They are talking about 25.000 50.000 job offerings. The job prospects for this occupation will be steady for next 5 years in comparison with the previous years. Purchasing is very large occupation with the availability of jobs opportunities in most regions. The proportions of full time jobs in purchasing are above average. (ref. ) PEST Analysis of Wholesale and Retail trade   (P)olitical The wholesale and retail trade might be influenced by political factors as tax, the stability of the country, legislations. (E)conomical The wholesale and retail trade has been influenced by the economic growth, unemployment policy, consumer confidence, inflation, interest rates. (S)ocial-Cultural environment The Wholesale and Retail trend in social-cultural environment might be influenced very strongly by lifestyle changes, demographic, population growth, living conditions, income distribution, fashion changes and foreign investment. (T)echnological environment Innovation of technology, changes in information technology, supply chain mechanism Goals I have acquired the essential experiences as a purchaser and I have had very good background of purchasing to improve my knowledge in my profession and to become a manager of purchasing. My goals I can divide in two periods such as short term goals and long term goals. In the case of the short term goals one of the goal is to continue with the study Master of business administration and to decrease my gaps of knowledge and skills for the future employment, which I found out through the LD application. Next short term goal is to be the part of purchasing in any organisation or institution in Sydney such as an employee or to get an internship in any organisation or institution. I will keep going with searching and applying for the job in the purchasing department. After graduation at APIC institution I will aim for my application of temporary residence which will make me able to work full time. With full time work rights I can get job as a purchaser or I will try to be promoted in current company. But I dont limit myself with the thought that I have to stay in Australia. I will try to apply for the manager position in other countries with the well economic stability. Every professional has to identify and acknowledge personal values. We can identify plenty of values but I will concentrate on the common values of professionals. A problem solver: as a professional in any company we have to solve a problem after next problem. A good problem solver will concentrate on the finding the right solution than to prove if she/he is right at all costs. Good problem solvers will see the problems as challenges and to experience from them. They know how to easy define the problem and they dont build the issues for others. (ref. ; 19.03.17; ; 19.03.17) Ambitious: is very strong value and can be very powerful for any organisation. Ambitious people always see new goals and they have the drive to achieve them. Transparent: the value to be transparent through the behaviour such as honest, open and direct in any conversation help to reduce the wasting of the time. (ref. ; 19.03.17; ; 19.03.17) Empathetic: I rate the empathetic value as the one of the best professional and personal values. The skill to sympathize the problems that others deal with is a character which I really admire. (ref. ; 19.03.17) Focused: if we are focused and we dont do too many things in one time we will do something really well. In environment where people are focused and putting the emphasis on this value will spend their time more productively. (ref. ; 19.03.17) Be respectful of confidentiality Set good examples This case study measures my Socio-Cultural competencies in percentage and the graph compares my current competencies vs. my targeted competencies. This case study measures my current competencies vs. targeted competencies. The overview shows what my current competencies are and what my targets of the current competencies are. There are some competencies without any existing knowledge such as Business Law and Due Diligences and Human Resource Management. These competencies I will have to improve and study through the study program more intensely. Next significant gaps I found out in Operations Management, Strategic Information System, Leadership and Change Management, Supply Chain Fundamentals. The proposed professional development program will guide me to complete the study Master of business administration and to improve my knowledge, decrease my identified gaps of socio-cultural competencies and in managerial and technical competencies. Strengths The passion to learn new things and to educate myself. Experienced in problem solving. Very responsible for any commitments and ability to motivate people. Improve my knowledge and decrease the gaps in my Socio-cultural competencies, Managerial and Technical Competencies through the study program Master of business administration Weaknesses Not enough experienced in leadership, above average in self-direction, cultural empathy, creativity and innovation. Not having any work experiences in my profession in Australia. Opportunities Improve my competencies with the study program Master of business administration. Get the opportunity to work in any organisation or institution in purchasing department as a employee or in internship program. Threats Do not have a job in my profession and not improving but losing my professional experiences. My plan to complete the study program Master of business administration in next 12 months and to achieve my targets is following.  Â
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