Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Aint No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell free essay sample
Just a few decades ago, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell recorded a song titled â€Å"Ain’t No Mountain High Enough†, that caught radio stations by storm. The upbeat and soulful style of music, along with sweet lyrics that would make any girl swoon, was a craze of 1967 that has continued ever since. Most would recognize this song as one added to the Grammy Hall of Fame, a piece written by Nikolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson, or as the famous melody that made it as a top twenty hit. However it’s to be known, this magical duet between â€Å"The Prince of Motown†and his elegant partner has the strongest of identities. Opening with the vocals of Marvin Gaye and a jazzy background, â€Å"Ain’t No Mountain High Enough†is capable of captivating any audience. Following the lovely introduction, Tammi Terrell’s voice is brought into the upbeat music and a fun love story transpires. We will write a custom essay sample on Aint No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From beginning to end, these two artists sing of a hopeful, never-ending love. With lyrics such as, â€Å"Remember the day, I set you free/ I told you you could always count on me, darling†and â€Å"I’ll be there when you want me†, anyone who hears this song gets wrapped up in the passion. Whether listeners have been through a circumstance similar to the one portrayed in the lyrics, or just became pleasantly lost in the daydream that they too would have another love them as much, they feel a deeper connection. It’s a perfect love story, filled with dire devotion that is entirely relatable. This song is a fantastic classic. From the start filled with excitement, the enticing middle, and a terrific fade to a close, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell brought many great attributes to what would become an extremely memorable song. Truly embodying the title of the greatest song ever created, â€Å"Ain’t No Mountain High Enough†will top the charts for ages!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Basswood Tree Description and Pruning Info
Basswood Tree Description and Pruning Info Introduction to the Basswood Tree Basswood, also known as American Linden is a large native North American tree that can grow more than 80 feet tall. In addition to being a majestic tree in the landscape, basswood is a soft, light wood and prized for hand carvings and making baskets. Native American basswood is found on rich, wet soils of the central and eastern United States. In the landscape, is a very beautiful and large tree with a majestic oval canopy mounted on a tall, straight trunk. Mid-summer brings abundant clusters of aromatic, yellow blooms which attract bees who make a prized honey - the tree is often fondly called the honey or bee tree. Taxonomy and Species Range The scientific name of basswood is Tilia americana and is pronounced TILL-ee-uh uh-mair-ih-KAY-nuh. Common names include American basswood, American linden and bee-tree and the tree is a member of the plant family Tiliaceae. Basswood grows in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8 and is native to North America. The tree is often used as a hedge but only in large tree lawns. It grows rapidly, is very large and needs plenty of space. The tree makes an excellent landscape planting with limited tolerance to urban conditions depending on the cultivar. It is a perfect shade tree and can be used as a residential street tree. American Linden Cultivars There are several great cultivars of American linden including ‘Redmond’, ‘Fastigiata’ and ‘Legend’. The cultivar Tilia americana ‘Redmond’ grows 75 feet tall, has a beautiful pyramidal shape and is drought-tolerant. Tilia americana ‘Fastigiata’ is more narrow in shape with fragrant yellow flowers. Tilia americana ‘Legend’ is a hearty tree with resistant to leaf rust. The tree shape is pyramidal, grows with a single, straight trunk, and with upright, well-spaced branches. All of these cultivars are great as specimens for large lawns and along private drives and public streets. Pests of Basswood Insects: aphids are notorious pests on basswood but will not kill a healthy tree. Aphids produce a sticky substance called honeydew which then introduces a dark sooty mold that will cover objects under the tree including parked vehicles and lawn furniture. Other attacking insects include bark borers, walnut lace bug, Basswood leaf miner, scales and Linden mite can all be troublesome problems. Disease: Leaf rust is a major defoliator of basswood but some cultivars are resistant. Other diseases that infect basswood are Anthracnose, canker, leaf spots, powdery mildew, and verticillium wilt. Basswood Description: Basswood in the landscape grows to a height of 50 to 80 feet, depending on tree variety and site conditions. The trees crown spread is 35 to 50 feet and the canopy is typically symmetrical with a regular, smooth outline. Individual crown forms are consistent with an oval to pyramidal canopy shape. Crown density is tight and the trees growth rate is medium to rapid, depending on the site condition. Basswood Trunk and Branches Basswood branches droop as the tree grows and do require some pruning. If you have regular walking and vehicular traffic, a pruning may need to be done for clearance beneath the canopy. The tree form is not particularly showy but maintains a pleasing symmetry and should be grown with one single trunk to maturity. Basswood Leaf Botanics Leaf arrangement: alternateLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: serrateLeaf shape: cordate; ovateLeaf venation: pinnateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: yellowFall characteristic: not showy I explain some of these terms in my Botanical Glossary... Necessary Site Conditions The native American basswood grows best on moist, fertile soils where those soils are acid or slightly alkaline. The tree likes to grow in full sun or partial shade and is more shade-tolerant than oaks and hickories. The leaves will show some wilting and scorching after a long dry season, but the tree appears fine the following year. The tree is often found growing along creeks and streams but will take short periods of drought. The trees favorite habitat is on moist sites. Pruning Basswood American linden grows into a very large tree and demands space to develop properly. Naturally occurring trees need no pruning but branches on landscape specimens should be spaced by pruning along the trunk to allow for development to maturity. Removing branches with weak crotches and embedded bark is advised even though the wood is flexible and will not often break from the trunk. Plant basswood as a specimen or shade tree only on property where there is plenty of area available for root expansion. Remember to remove basal sprouts that are prone to grow off the base of the trunk.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Employment training part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employment training part 1 - Essay Example In this study the focus is on formal and informal training in the organization, their strengths and weaknesses and why are they required in an organization. Training Training is associated with the work related computing that comes in variety of forms staring from â€Å"formal, scheduled classroom instruction to spur-of-the-moment sessions with a co-worker to self-based trial and error efforts†(Danziger and Dunkle, 2005, p. 1). Both individuals as well as the organization have their own choices regarding the training method. The training can be characterized in several dimensions. The two most important dimensions that are considered while selecting a training method are the degree of interaction that takes place between one another during the training and the degree of formality involved in training. Based on this, there are two types of training formal and informal. Figure 1 Source: (Danziger and Dunkle, 2005) Formal Learning Formal learning is the learning that takes place in a structured and organised environment and is explicitly in terms of resources, time and objectives. From the learners’ point of view, it is intentional and leads to certification and validation. It aims towards achievement of competencies, skill and knowledge (Patrick, 2010). Formal training leads to formal learning amongst the individuals. Formal training is the professionally developed training program or session that has a fixed agenda to be offered or discussed either on or off site during the compensated working hours of the employees. Formal training includes professional conferences, seminars, employee skills and development programs, apprenticeship training, certification training and technical trainings (Crotty, 2004). The learning is evolved from certain organized program of instructions. Formal learning is achieved by the learners, when they undergo some well designed training programs in their workplace. Formal leaning displays certain specific essential feat ures that are: This have a specific curriculum The trainer is responsible for delivering its teaching strictly in accordance with the curriculum. There is a certain assessment system that assesses the achievement of leaning objectives of the learner and certifies it (Jarvis and Watts, 2012). Informal Learning Informal learning is signified as the learning process that takes place from the daily activities of an individual related to leisure, family and work. It is not structured or organised in terms of learning support, time and objectives. From the perspective of the learner, it is unintentional and is often referred to as â€Å"learning from experience†or simply experience. The main idea behind informal learning is that people by their virtue of existence are exposed to various learning situations continuously (Patrick, 2010). However, informal learning has gained increased attention as a significant part of management and leadership development. Some of the research scho lars have signified informal learning as lesson of experience that has helped many mangers in reaching to the top of the organization (Halliday-Wynnes and Beddie, 2009). Learning from the experience is a continuous process that often entails in dealing with failure or hardship. For instance, in cases where the business leaders learn from
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Eco Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Eco Schools - Essay Example This essay approves that eco-schools present with major advantages to the environment and to the overall sustainable development of the world. These schools improve student and adult lines of communication; it also unites the school under a common cause. These schools also develop and increase the students’ sense of responsibility – allowing the views of others, which are valued, to thrive. These schools also improve the behaviour and demeanour of students – helping them develop a sense of belongingness and pride in their school and their community. They provide opportunities for the use of real local issues in the delivery of cross-cultural themes, integrating more purpose to studies, improving pupil engagement and participation in lessons, as well as helping them in comprehending the different issues involved with each other. These are the various advantages of eco-schools. These schools however, may also have several disadvantages. This report makes a conclusion that eco-schools are a part of an international programme which aims to ensure that children and learners are taught, from a very early age, the importance of preserving the environment. It helps incorporate sustainable means of learning and later of applying such information into their personal lives. It is a beneficial programme because it helps ensure that the future generations would still get to enjoy our resources. There is a need to improve the implementation of this programme in the school curriculum in order to ensure its effectiveness and improve its impact.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Family of saltimbaques by Piablo Picasso and Dance hall Bellevue by Essay
Family of saltimbaques by Piablo Picasso and Dance hall Bellevue by Enerst Ludwig - Essay Example The essay "Family of saltimbaques by Piablo Picasso and Dance hall Bellevue by Enerst Ludwig" compares two paintings that were painted between the years 1900 and 1950. This includes family of saltimbaques by Piablo Picasso and Dance hall Bellevue by Enerst Ludwig. Determining the difference between a good and bad art might be quite difficult. It is essential for anyone who is interested to understand or compare different forms of arts to carefully analyze the painting first before coming into conclusion or judging that are drawing is good or bad. Aesthetic is derived from a Greek word meaning perception. It was first used by a Greek philosopher who described the theory of beauty. From this we can say that it later come to refer to an artistic work with good taste and artistry in general. When a painting is said to have esthetic value’ even if it is not sold expensively, it has value as a work of art. In the first painting, Family of Saltrtimbaque, it can be said that Picasso P ablo’s Artistry has aesthetic value because of the good taste that can be seen from the picture. To begin in painter has used a desert as the background to the painting making it quite attractive. This can easily draw ones attention who will yearn to continue exploring the picture more and more. Also the people in the picture are dressed in colorful cloths making the panting attractive to anyone who views it at first site. On the other hand, the second picture, Dance hall Bellevue by Enerst Ludwig, can also be said to have Aesthetic.
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Influence The Media Have Over Education Policy Media Essay
What Influence The Media Have Over Education Policy Media Essay The media influences many areas of our lives sometimes without us even realizing that it is happening. Where else do we learn about the newest must have toy for Christmas, or the latest iphone. We see it and we immediately want it and cannot live without it. The same principal applies to the amount of influence media has over our schools and education policies. They shine a favorable light on someone who is running for the school board and instantly we think that person is the best candidate for the job. They do an investigative report on how money is being wasted at the expense of our kids and we are ready to march down to the administration building and demand they all resign. We grow up believing that everything we see and here in the media is the truth but the reality is that someone usually has an ax to grind and finds a way to get their view before the general public. This type of journalism has gotten so out of hand that Fox News uses the tagline fair and balanced in an effort to bring more views to their channel. I am left wondering why all channels and outlets are not reporting the news in a fair and balanced manner. There are two ways in which media, including the news media, popular culture, and entertainment sources, are commonly viewed as educational. In the first sense, people learn what to think and how to behave from media sources, viewing information on the news as matter of fact, or the characters on a televised sitcom as models for normal behavior, for example. Many find this view most compelling when considering medias impact on young children, whose understanding of the distinction between reality and fantasy is not set in stone. As an example, Schrag suggests that, lacking prior learning or experience with Middle Eastern culture, young children are bound to learn from Aladdin-a Walt Disney film marketed to young children that has sold tens of millions of copies-that Middle Eastern fruit sellers are commonly prone to violent rage upon discovering a single apple has been stolen from their cart. A similar view of media as unduly and directly influential to children was used in defense of twelve-year-old Lionel Tate, who was tried in 1991 for killing a six-year-old girl by body slamming her as he commonly observed contestants in World Federation of Wrestling do on television. (Jackson, 2010) The first policy is the right of freedom of speech. Public schools are the easiest to change though law and public policy when compared to parents, news media, campaigns, and communities. Schools can have a direct impact on students civic attitudes, knowledge, and habits. One of the most effective ways for them to teach citizenship is by promoting discussion of current issues, which is often based on items from the news media. There is even evidence that discussions of current issues in social studies classes can have indirect effects, enhancing family discussions of current events, which then increase both parents and students interest and knowledge. Educational programs that emphasize discussion of controversial issues have been found to increase students tolerance and use of the news media. By discussing these topics at school first then the student going home and talking about it to their parents it helps the student better understand the topic and the world around them. (Lopez, 2009) In 2005, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation released results from a major survey of more than 112,000 high school students in more than 500 public and private schools that was taken in 2004. The survey was called the Future of the First Amendment (FOFA). It focused on habits and attitudes relevant to the First Amendment and especially freedom of the press. Students were asked factual questions about the First Amendment. Questions such as, Is it legal to burn the American flag as a protest? They were also asked opinion question, Does the press have too much freedom? and Should newspapers be allowed to publish freely without government approval? Finally, they were asked questions about their use of various news media and participation in school media activities. (Lopez, 2009) This research is very disturbing. It implies that schools are not doing their part to teach the students about what rights they do have. Recently some groups tried taking away our freedom of speech by telling us that when we say the Pledge of Allegiance it is wrong to say one nation under God. Freedom of speech should protect everyone and one group does not have the right to tell another that the words they choose to say are no longer allowed. Another area where the media has had a positive impact on school policy involves underage smoking. Movies and TV commonly show the stars of the film smoking. This is because smoking is still accepted in everyday life even though there are so many anti-smoking campaigns. Libertarianism toward smoking still permeates the society sufficiently to make smoking by film stars tolerable and normal, if not also attractive and desirable, as long as they are not literally advertising cigarettes to minors. Some audience members respond critically to media messages implying that smoking is socially acceptable, while others are more favorable. Yet the commonality of smoking by protagonists in mainstream film, nonetheless, reveals that, according to mainstream producers information, smoking is not considered to be beyond the bounds of social norms; it is regarded normally as an expected, largely acceptable, behavior that need not require a critical response or prohibition on the big screen. (McCart hy, 1998) Most of the policies that schools are trying to enact are for the good of the students. They want to make sure that the students are healthy and safe while they are on school property. Media campaigns have been used to modify individual behavior in many issues such as AIDS, tobacco use, breastfeeding, physical activity, and milk consumption. Ads are used in newspaper articles or letters to the editor in order to influence policy change. In 2006, North Carolina launched a campaign that used mass media campaign to influence policy change. It became the first state to create a statewide mass media campaign to promote the adoption of and compliance with tobacco-free policies in schools (TFS). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of a comprehensive tobacco control program, calls for tobacco-free policies in schools to prevent youth tobacco use. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) The most effective tobacco-free policies that are enforced have shown there to be a significant reduction of youth tobacco use. These policies not only affect the students. It also affects school personnels use of tobacco and teaching of youth about tobacco. The most successful tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of tobacco products by anyone. No one is allowed to use tobacco on school grounds or at school events at any time. This includes school premises, school vehicles, and school events such as concerts and sporting events. At the time of the campaign launch, 78 of the 115 (67.8%) school districts in North Carolina had adopted comprehensive tobacco-free policies. The vast majority of these districts passed policies after school and community organizations funded by the North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund (HWTF) specifically began to focus on this issue in 2003. As an innovative strategy for augmenting promotion of TFS policy adoption and compliance across the state, t he HWTF decided in 2005 to develop a statewide media campaign that would educate North Carolinians about TFS policies and encourage widespread support for such policies in local school districts. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) This was the first tobacco-free media campaign in the nation there and there was no evidence-based practice to base what ads worked best. Research was needed to help with the creation of the campaign aimed at changing policies. Researchers decided to speak with experts to learn more about messages to promote TFS policy. In February and March 2005, researchers conducted a total of 45 interviews with experts on TFS policy that were from within and outside North Carolina. The experts were from North Carolina and five other states. The people that were chosen for the interview were school district superintendents, Board of Education members, and school employees who included principals, teachers, and other staff. These people were chosen because they had the most power to influence policy and they were the adults most affected by local policy. There were twenty participants in twelve districts with TFS policies and in six districts without TFS policies participated in interviews. Two par ticipants were from organizations that worked across school districts. The research team also interviewed 9 state legislators to ensure the possibility of such a media campaign in a tobacco-growing state. The legislators included political parties, the Senate and the House, and a number of prominent members of the legislature who might wield influence on this issue. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) The survey tool asked interviewees about the best types of people to appear in ads. People were asked to think about which kinds of people would be most compelling in general.. They had to make the decision to decide whether a youth must appear in the personal testimonial of youth, and superintendents/school personnel would be best to relate the experiences of successful districts. They were also asked (1) what kinds of messages they believed would be most effective, (2) what kinds of messages might be seen as controversial, and (3) legislators comments on three of the most popular themes from the expert/stakeholder list. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) An ongoing problem in schools is bullying. In recent years the students are even bullied while they are on the internet away from the school setting. Schools are now using the media to help stop bullies and make sure that students are safe. Recent news in the national media about two students deaths as a result of harassment in school has highlighted a renewed desire for educators to address the culture of bullying and harassment in public schools, especially when the victims are targeted for their real or perceived differences. Some students are bullied and made fun of so much that they see the only way out is to commit suicide or leave the city that they are from. South Carolinas legislature responded to this need in June 2006 with the passage of the Safe School Climate Act. This statute was designed to limit and punish harassment, intimidation, or bullying among public school students, and it was required that school districts established policies to address this issue before Janu ary 1, 2007. However, failure to adequately implement the provision may provide an explanation as to why the Safe School Climate Act has failed to significantly change the culture of schools in South Carolina. South Carolinas legislative intentions provide a reference for similar legislation and policy changes nationwide. Current research shows that only quality staff development combined with ongoing, effective training in and education about any new policies will lead to its effective implementation. The complex causes of bullying and its impact on school culture continue to be debated by educational researchers, psychologists, and social theorists. (Terry, Blocking the Bullies: Has South Carolinas Safe School Climate Act Made Public Schools Safer?, 2010) Obviously legal remedies and punitive measures for bullies alone have not solved the problem. Will there ever be a time in history where students can be themselves and not worry about if someone is going to make fun of them or if they will ever be able to hang out with the cool kids? Hopefully through continued media attention to this problem changes will come about. Do you remember walking down the hallways in high school and suddenly having the security guard chase after you because they thought that your shorts where to short? By the time that I was a senior in high school is became a joke to us all. We learned that we could bend our arms a little bit and make it look like our shorts were long enough. In reality yes our shorts where to short but there was nothing that we could do about. My high school didnt have air conditioning so at times it got very hot and it was unbearable to wear pants. When we would go shopping for shorts they ones that would fit around our hips without falling off would be too short and it we bought them so that they were a little bit too big so the length was right then we would get into trouble because they would be falling off of us. It was such a dilemma. The dress code restriction didnt just stop on what length our shorts had to be. Students and teachers alike have always had restrictions on what is appropriate an d inappropriate dress. Virtually with no exception, schools have minimum dress codes in place: rules about what cannot be worn at school. Uniform policies state explicitly what must be worn in schools. (Gereluk, 2007) Halter-tops, tube-tops, one shoulder tops . . . muscle shirts, see-through or mesh tops (unless underneath a shirt) arent to be worn. Blouses, shirts or tops that reveal bare backs, midriffs, undergarments, or that have spaghetti straps or revealing necklines are not to be worn in Trents classes, hallways, class activities, or on field trips. (Raby, 2010) Does that sound familiar to you? I remember reading this in all my classes throughout my educational career. I always used to wonder why we had to have such a strict dress code. Now that I am older I have realized why. Dress code violations are distracting to others and they do not fit the desired image of a school, and disrespectful toward oneself and others. The details of dress codes do shift, however, as school administrators respond to trends in popular fashion. An example of this is reflected in rules banning midriff tops now making way for new concerns with girls reveal ing cleavage. Several American towns banning young me n from wearing low-slung pants that reveal their underwear. (Raby, 2010) Dress codes are not only for the students they are also for the staff in the school. Who wants to look at a teacher all day that is wearing sweat pants or a really low plunging neckline? I would be very angry. That is more distracting than if a student was wearing that outfit. In a 1901 document entitled Rules for Teachers, female educators were informed that they must wear at least two petticoats and that dresses must not be any shorter than two inches above the ankle. Male educators were informed that they shall wear a suit coat and suspenders. Additionally, teachers were admonished not to wear bright colors. (Kiracofe, 2010) As you can tell times have changed a lot. People do not dress like this anymore. Now modern school administers must decide if teachers are allowed to wear T-shirts with religious messages or other religious garb such as a turban or birkha. (Kiracofe, 2010) The question of whether or not media plays and helpful or harmful role in regards to the education system is not an easy on to answer. School safety has been improved following the events of past years that played out on every TV screen across America. They have reported on cyber bullying and the devastating consequences that such behavior can cause. Smoking has been banned from school property. On the other hand they have shown crazy games that have been being played among large groups of students. The latest one involves students on foot being chased by other students in cars. The object of the game is for the students on foot to make it to a predetermined location without getting caught. Shortly after this story was reported in the mainstream media there was an increase of traffic accidents due to even more students playing the game after hearing about it on the nightly news. The best we can hope for is that the good outweighs the bad and to try and teacher our children that just because the news anchor tells them something it doesnt necessarily mean that it is the truth etched in stone.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Science and My Daily Life
Science and My Daily life Brenda Durbin Kaplan University Science and I Science has and always will play a constant important role in my daily life, maybe more so than others. Science for me has not always been my strong subject in school and I very easily tend to get intimidated. But when I look at my daily life and realize how much science plays a role in it, I cannot help but smile. Science is not at all bad, it has allowed me to do many things every day, even if I do not take the time to stop and think about it, it is there.From the way the microwave heats up the water for my coffee every morning or the way my body digests the food I eat every meal and makes it into energy or even a trip to the doctor’s office with my son, science is a constant companion and without it, my life would have turned out very different indeed. If I arrived home late one night and after unlocking the front door, I tried to turn on a light and it did not respond I would begin a process of elimina tion, or in other words, using the scientific method to find out the problem.First I would check the light bulb, to see if it had blown, once replacing the bulb if I still did not have light I would then go to my back porch and to the fuse box. I would then check the fuses to see if maybe a breaker was tripped or I had a blown fuse. If even after doing this I still have no power I would then call my electric company, asking them if someone had hit a power pole, or if they were conducting some kind of random test(s) or even making repair(s) to the line. Once finding out some information from the company I would then know whether to light some candles and to be patient or if I would have to call an electrician.For scenario number two I will use the situation of my car not starting. First I would check the level of gas in my vehicle, if that was found to be not the problem I would then check the battery and the terminals making sure they are all clean and connected. I would then check the spark plugs to see if they were misfiring, dirty or corroded. If after checking these items I still would be finding no solution, I would do my best to get a jump start from a passing motorist. If the jumps start did not elp to start my car I would then have to call a tow truck to bring my car to a garage where a mechanic would be able to research the problem better with his/her equipment and tools. While waiting for the answer and the problem to be fixed from the mechanic I would have to plan to either take a cab or find a ride with my friend(s) and/or co-workers to work, appointments and any place I need to go for my routine errands. Every day I get up at 5:30am. Without science (to tell the time of day) and the technology that goes into my alarm clock chances are 5:30am would not be the time I would be getting up.I then go upstairs and wake up my sons Warren and Ryely to get ready for school. When Warren comes down stairs I help him get his morning treatment machines ready. W arren was born with Cystic Fibrosis and relies on science and the continuing scientific advances of treatments, medicines and therapies to continue living. Warren’s first treatment is called a nebulizer, this lasts about 15 minutes. The nebulizer loosens the thick mucus on the walls of Warren’s lungs. Then his next treatment is done with what is called â€Å"the vest airway clearance system†(Hill-Rom Services, 2011).This vest gently compresses and releases the chest wall up to 25 times per second (Hill-Rom Services, 2011). In other words it basically pounds the loosened mucus (from his first treatment, â€Å"the neb†as we call it) off and out of Warren’s lungs so that he may cough it up. This vest treatment last for thirty minutes. After his treatments are finished, I then help Warren break down the machines, clean them and put them away until they are needed again in the evening. Warren does both of these treatments twice a day. Without science I would not have had Warren in my life for so long.He is nineteen and each day he does these treatments is another day I get to have my son in my life. Next, I prepare breakfast for both Warren and Ryely. We have a gas stove in our kitchen so the use of science plays a big role in the cooking of the food for all our meals. After dinner I then lay out all of Warren’s many medications they he needs to take. The absolute most important of all the medication is what is called Creon. Creon â€Å"contains pancrelipase – a combination of three enzymes: lipase, protease, and amylase†(Drugs. com, 2011).These enzymes are produced in the pancreas of people without CF. In people who do have CF however, the thick sticky mucus plugs the ducts in the pancreas so that the enzymes cannot reach the food to help break down and digest what food is eaten. So every time Warren eats he needs to take these, five capsules for snacks and seven with meals. Without science, everything War ren eats would pass right through his system and no nutrition would be absorbed by his body. After breakfast it is usually time for the boys to leave so that they can go to their bus stops.When they leave I will usually either start getting ready for any appointments that are scheduled or start cleaning the house. I must also admit there are some days that I do in fact go back to bed to catch an hour or two of more sleep. Science plays a huge role in the cleaning of my house also. From the hot water I use to mop the floors to the cleaners I use to disinfect and make my home smell clean science is there. Science has improved the quality of my life so very much. In explaining how I will get very emotional and I hope you understand.Without science Warren would not have lived, therefore I would not have become a mother. Without the scientific understanding of genetics and genetic diseases not only would I have lost Warren but I could have very well ended up in jail for child abuse. Befo re a doctor thought of giving Warren a sweat test (a test which measures the amount of salt in sweat) I was being investigated by the state of Maine for suspicion of child abuse. Warren was only 3 months old at the time and got down to 2 pounds 1. 3 ounces.The doctors and nurses immediately thought where I was a young mother I must have not been feeding him. This hung over my head the whole time Warren was being tested and in the neonatal critical care unit. Only when a CF specialist visiting Mid Maine Medical Center from the Children’s Hospital of Boston, after examining my son decided that a sweat test was needed, and done did this allegation clear up. Removing all doubt from the doctors and nurses of my mothering skills and love toward my son. The sweat test came back positive that Warren had CF. It was right then my life changed.Not only did my life change due to the treatments, medications and care Warren needed daily but also I was taught a most valuable lesson, never t ake anyone (who is in your life), no matter how small they are for granted. Every smile, laugh and memory with and from both my children have become even more precious to me now knowing that without the help of science Warren would not be a part of the family. Warren fought so hard to live (and continues to fight) so that I could be a mother, his mother. That in itself changes a person. To be perfectly honest, there has been only one negative impact that science has had on my life.I have always wanted to have at least two children. I underwent genetic testing soon after Warren was diagnosed with CF and the results that came in were scary. Warren’s father was found to have passed a gene unto him that is very common in about 80% of CF cases, while I had passed on to him a much rarer gene that was only evident in 2% of CF cases. The guilt was unbelievable and very painful to work through. And if that was not enough we were also told that with every child I would have with Warren ’s father the chances it would be born with CF were 1 in 4.I do not believe that I could live without science and I sincerely do not think anyone else could either. As people, we get sick, have headaches, toothaches and need surgeries for a multitude of reasons and without science we simply could not and would not be here. From a small aspirin someone takes for pain, to the food we eat or the healthcare we need and receive science is all around us every day! Science has made it possible for people such as me to live longer, be cared for, and to eat a variety of foods no matter if it is in a box or can and to live.To be honest I have always been too busy with my daily life that I have never stopped to think about how much science was in my life and the ways it presents itself. But through this course I have found a definite respect for science. I will look at things differently now and probably always will since taking this course. Science has been around me long before Warren was born but it was when he came into my life that I began to appreciate science and all the possibilities it holds for the future.One of the biggest possibilities that my family and I are hoping for is one day when CF will stand for cure found. Through the length of this course I have shared many of my own opinions and life experiences. Reflecting on them all I cannot help but smile, I should never be intimidated by science, because it is through science I have the life I live now. References Drugs. com, (2011). Creon, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. drugs. com/creon. html Hill-Rom Services, (2011). The Vest Airway Clearance System, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. thevest. com/products/
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Frostbite Chapter 4
FOUR I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. JANINE Hathaway. My mother. My insanely famous and stunningly absent mother. She was no Arthur Schoenberg, but she did have a pretty stellar reputation in the guardian world. I hadn't seen her in years because she was always off on some insane mission. And yet†¦here she was at the Academy right nowright in front of meand she hadn't even bothered to let me know she was coming. So much for motherly love. What the hell was she doing here anyway? The answer came quickly. All the Moroi who came to campus would have their guardians in tow. My mother protected a noble from the Szelsky clan, and several members of that family had shown up for the holidays. Of course she'd be here with him. I slid into my chair and felt something inside of me shrivel up. I knew she had to have seen me come in, but her attention was focused elsewhere. She had on jeans and a beige T-shirt, covered with what had to be the most boring denim jacket I'd ever seen. At only five feet tall, she was dwarfed by the other guardians, but she had a presence and way of standing that made her seem taller. Our instructor, Stan, introduced the guests and explained that they were going to share real-life experiences with us. He paced the front of the room, bushy eyebrows knitting together as he spoke. â€Å"I know this is unusual,†he explained. â€Å"Visiting guardians usually don't have time to stop by our classes. Our three guests, however, have made time to come talk to you today in light of what's happened recently†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He paused a moment, and no one needed to tell us what he was referring to. The Badica attack. He cleared his throat and tried again. â€Å"In light of what's happened, we thought it might better prepare you to learn from those currently working in the field.†The class tensed with excitement. Hearing storiesparticularly ones with a lot of blood and actionwas a hell of a lot more interesting than analyzing theory from a textbook. Apparently some of the other campus guardians thought so too. They often stopped by our classes, but they were present today in a larger-than-usual number. Dimitri stood among them in the back. The old guy went first. He launched into his story, and I found myself getting hooked in. It described a time when the youngest son of the family he guarded had wandered off in a public place that Strigoi were lurking in. â€Å"The sun was about to set,†he told us in a gravelly voice. He swept his hands in a downward motion, apparently to demonstrate how a sunset worked. â€Å"There were only two of us, and we had to make a snap decision on how to proceed.†I leaned forward, elbows propped up on my desk. Guardians often worked in pairs. Onethe near guardusually stayed close to those being guarded while the otherthe far guardscouted the area. The far guard still usually stayed within eye contact, so I recognized the dilemma here. Thinking about it, I decided that if I were in that situation, I'd have the near guardian take the rest of the family to a secure location while the other guardian searched for the boy. â€Å"We had the family stay inside a restaurant with my partner while I swept the rest of the area,†continued the old guardian. He spread his hands out in a sweeping motion, and I felt smug over having made the correct call. The story ended happily, with a found boy and no Strigoi encounters. The second guy's anecdote talked about how he'd gotten the drop on a Strigoi stalking some Moroi. â€Å"I wasn't even technically on duty,†he said. He was the really cute one, and a girl sitting near me stared at him with wide, adoring eyes. â€Å"I was visiting a friend and the family he guarded. As I was leaving their apartment, I saw a Strigoi lurking in the shadows. He never expected a guardian to be out there. I circled the block, came up behind him, and †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The man made a staking motion, far more dramatic than the old guy's hand gestures had been. The storyteller even went so far as to mimic twisting the stake into the Strigoi's heart. And then it was my mother's turn. A scowl spread over my face before she even said a word, a scowl that grew worse once she actually launched into the story. I swear, if I didn't believe her incapable of having the imagination for itand her bland clothing choices proved she really didn't have an imaginationI would have thought she was lying. It was more than a story. It was an epic tale, the kind of thing that gets made into movies and wins Oscars. She talked about how her charge, Lord Szelsky, and his wife had attended a ball put on by another prominent royal family. Several Strigoi had been lying in wait. My mother discovered one, promptly staked it, and then alerted the other guardians present. With their help, she hunted down the other Strigoi lurking around and performed most of the kills herself. â€Å"It wasn't easy,†she explained. From anyone else that statement would have sounded like bragging. Not her. There was a briskness to the way she spoke, an efficient way of stating facts that left no room for flourishes. She'd been raised in Glasgow and some of her words still had a Scottish lilt. â€Å"There were three others on the premises. At the time, that was considered an unusually large number to be working together. That's not necessarily true now, considering the Badica massacre.†A few people flinched at the casual way she spoke about the attack. Once again, I could see the bodies. â€Å"We had to dispatch the remaining Strigoi as quickly and quietly as possible, so as not to alert the others. Now, if you have the element of surprise, the best way to take Strigoi is to come around from behind, break their necks, and then stake them. Breaking their necks won't kill them, of course, but it stuns them and allows you to do the staking before they can make an y noise. The most difficult part is actually sneaking up on them, because their hearing is so acute. Since I'm smaller and lighter than most guardians, I can move fairly quietly. So I ended up performing two of the three kills myself.†Again, she used that matter-of-fact tone as she described her own stealthy skills. It was annoying, more so than if she'd been openly haughty about how awesome she was. My classmates' faces shone with wonder; they were clearly more interested in the idea of breaking a Strigoi's neck than analyzing my mother's narrative skills. She continued with the story. When she and the other guardians had killed the remaining Strigoi, they'd discovered two Moroi had been taken from the party. Such an act wasn't uncommon for Strigoi. Sometimes they wanted to save Moroi for a later â€Å"snack†; sometimes lower-ranking Strigoi were dispatched by more powerful ones to bring back prey. Regardless, two Moroi were gone from the ball, and their guardian had been injured. â€Å"Naturally, we couldn't leave those Moroi in Strigoi clutches,†she said. â€Å"We tracked the Strigoi to their hideout and found several of them living together. I'm sure you can recognize how rare that is.†It was. The evil and selfish nature of Strigoi made them turn on each other as easily as they did their victims. Organizing for attackswhen they had an immediate and bloody goal in mindwas the best they could do. But living together? No. It was almost impossible to imagine. â€Å"We managed to free the two captive Moroi, only to discover that others were being held prisoner,†my mother said. â€Å"We couldn't send the ones we'd rescued back by themselves, though, so the guardians who were with me escorted them out and left it to me to get the others.†Yes, of course, I thought. My mother bravely went in alone. Along the way, she got captured but managed to escape and rescue the prisoners. In doing so, she performed what had to be the hat trick of the century, killing Strigoi in all three ways: staking, decapitation, and setting them on fire. â€Å"I had just staked a Strigoi when two more attacked,†she explained. â€Å"I didn't have time to pull the stake out when the others jumped me. Fortunately, there was an open fireplace nearby, and I pushed one of the Strigoi into it. The last one chased me outside, into an old shed. There was an axe inside and I used that to cut off her head. I then took a can of gasoline and returned to the house. The one I'd thrown into the fireplace hadn't completely burned, but once I doused him in gasoline, he went up pretty quickly.†The classroom was in awe as she spoke. Mouths dropped. Eyes bugged. Not a sound could be heard. Glancing around, I felt like time had frozen for everyoneexcept me. I appeared to be the only one unimpressed by her harrowing tale, and seeing the awe on everyone's faces enraged me. When she finished, a dozen hands shot up as the class peppered her with questions about her techniques, whether she was scared, etc. After about the tenth question, I couldn't take it anymore. I raised my hand. It took her a while to notice and call on me. She seemed mildly astonished to find me in class. I considered myself lucky that she even recognized me. â€Å"So, Guardian Hathaway,†I began. â€Å"Why didn't you guys just secure the place?†She frowned. I think she'd gone on her guard the moment she called on me. â€Å"What do you mean?†I shrugged and slouched back in my desk, attempting a casual and conversational air. â€Å"I don't know. It seems to me like you guys messed up. Why didn't you scope out the place and make sure it was clear of Strigoi in the first place? Seems like you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble.†All eyes in the room turned toward me. My mother was momentarily at a loss for words. â€Å"If we hadn't gone through all that ‘trouble,' there'd be seven more Strigoi walking the world, and those other captured Moroi would be dead or turned by now.†â€Å"Yeah, yeah, I get how you guys saved the day and all that, but I'm going back to the principles here. I mean, this is a theory class, right?†I glanced over at Stan who was regarding me with a very stormy look. He and I had a long and unpleasant history of classroom conflicts, and I suspected we were on the verge of another. â€Å"So I just want to figure out what went wrong in the beginning.†I'll say this for hermy mother had a hell of a lot more self-control than I did. Had our roles been reversed, I would have walked over and smacked me by now. Her face stayed perfectly calm, however, and a small tightness in the set of her lips was the only sign that I was pissing her off. â€Å"It's not that simple,†she replied. â€Å"The venue had an extremely complex layout. We went through it initially and found nothing. It's believed the Strigoi came in after the festivities had startedor that there might have been passages and hidden rooms we hadn't been aware of.†The class ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the idea of hidden passages, but I wasn't impressed. â€Å"So what you're saying is that you guys either failed to detect them during your first sweep, or they broke through the ‘security' you set up during the party. Seems like someone messed up either way.†The tightness in her lips increased, and her voice grew frosty. â€Å"We did the best we could with an unusual situation. I can see how someone at your level might not be able to grasp the intricacies of what I'm describing, but once you've actually learned enough to go beyond theory, you'll see how different it is when you're actually out there and lives are in your hands.†â€Å"No doubt,†I agreed. â€Å"Who am I to question your methods? I mean, whatever gets you the molnija marks, right?†â€Å"Miss Hathaway.†Stan's deep voice rumbled through the room. â€Å"Please take your things and go wait outside for the remainder of class.†I stared at him in bewilderment. â€Å"Are you serious? Since when is there anything wrong with asking questions?†â€Å"Your attitude is what's wrong.†He pointed at the door. â€Å"Go.†A silence heavier and deeper than when my mother had told her story descended over everyone. I did my best not to cower under the stares of guardians and novices alike. This wasn't the first time I'd been kicked out of Stan's class. It wasn't even the first time I'd been kicked out of Stan's class while Dimitri was watching. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I crossed the short distance to the doora distance that felt like milesand refused to make eye contact with my mother as I passed. About five minutes before the class let out, she slipped out of the room and walked over to where I sat in the hallway. Looking down on me, she put her hands on her hips in that annoying way that made her seem taller than she was. It wasn't fair that someone over half a foot shorter than me could make me feel so small. â€Å"Well. I see your manners haven't improved over the years.†I stood up and felt a glare snap into place. â€Å"Nice to see you too. I'm surprised you even recognized me. In fact, I didn't even think you remembered me, seeing as how you never bothered to let me know you were on campus.†She shifted her hands from her hips and crossed her arms across her chest, becomingif possibleeven more impassive. â€Å"I couldn't neglect my duty to come coddle you.†â€Å"Coddle?†I asked. This woman had never coddled me in her life. I couldn't believe she even knew the word. â€Å"I wouldn't expect you to understand. From what I hear, you don't really know what ‘duty' is.†â€Å"I know exactly what it is,†I retorted. My voice was intentionally haughty. â€Å"Better than most people.†Her eyes widened in a sort of mock surprise. I used that sarcastic look on a lot of people and didn't appreciate having it directed toward me. â€Å"Oh really? Where were you for the last two years?†â€Å"Where were you for the last five?†I demanded. â€Å"Would you have known I was gone if someone hadn't told you?†â€Å"Don't turn this back on me. I was away because I had to be. You were away so you could go shopping and stay up late.†My hurt and embarrassment morphed into pure fury. Apparently, I was never going to live down the consequences of running away with Lissa. â€Å"You have no idea why I left,†I said, my voice's volume rising. â€Å"And you have no right to make assumptions about my life when you don't know anything about it.†â€Å"I've read reports about what happened. You had reason for concern, but you acted incorrectly.†Her words were formal and crisp. She could have been teaching one of my classes. â€Å"You should have gone to others for help.†â€Å"There was no one I could go tonot when I didn't have hard proof. Besides, we've been learning that we're supposed to think independently.†â€Å"Yes,†she replied. â€Å"Emphasis on learning. Something you missed out on for two years. You're hardly in a position to lecture me about guardian protocol.†I wound up in arguments all the time; something in my nature made that inevitable. So I was used to defending myself and having insults slammed at me. I had a tough skin. But somehow, around herin the brief times I had been around herI always felt like I was three years old. Her attitude humiliated me, and touching on my missed training already a prickly subjectonly made me feel worse. I crossed my arms in a fair imitation of her own stance and managed a smug look. â€Å"Yeah? Well, that's not what my teachers think. Even after missing all that time, I've still caught up with everyone else in my class.†She didn't answer right away. Finally, in a flat voice, she said, â€Å"If you hadn't left, you would have surpassed them.†Turning military-style, she walked off down the hall. A minute later, the bell rang, and the rest of Stan's class spilled into the hall. Even Mason couldn't cheer me up after that. I spent the rest of the day angry and annoyed, sure that everyone was whispering about my mother and me. I skipped lunch and went to the library to read a book about physiology and anatomy. When it was time for my after-school training with Dimitri, I practically ran up to the practice dummy. With a curled fist, I slapped its chest, very slightly to the left but mostly in the center. â€Å"There,†I told him. â€Å"The heart is there, and the sternum and ribs are in the way. Can I have the stake now?†Crossing my arms, I glanced up at him triumphantly, waiting for him to shower me with praise for my new cunning. Instead, he simply nodded in acknowledgment, like I should already have known that. And yeah, I should have. â€Å"And how do you get through the sternum and the ribs?†he asked. I sighed. I'd figured out the answer to one question, only to be given another. Typical. We spent a large part of the practice going over that, and he demonstrated several techniques that would yield the quickest kill. Every movement he made was both graceful and deadly. He made it look effortless, but I knew better. When he suddenly extended his hand and offered the stake to me, I didn't understand at first. â€Å"You're giving it to me?†His eyes sparkled. â€Å"I can't believe you're holding back. I figured you'd have taken it and run by now.†â€Å"Aren't you always teaching me to hold back?†I asked. â€Å"Not on everything.†â€Å"But on some things.†I heard the double meaning in my voice and wondered where it had come from. I'd accepted a while ago that there were too many reasons for me to even think about him romantically anymore. Every once in a while, I slipped a little and kind of wished he would too. It'd have been nice to know that he still wanted me, that I still drove him crazy. Studying him now, I realized he might not ever slip because I didn't drive him crazy anymore. It was a depressing thought. â€Å"Of course,†he said, showing no indication we'd discussed anything other than class matters. â€Å"It's like everything else. Balance. Know which things to run forward withand know which to leave alone.†He placed a heavy emphasis on that last statement. Our eyes met briefly, and I felt electricity race through me. He did know what I was talking about. And like always, he was ignoring it and being my teacherwhich is exactly what he should have been doing. With a sigh, I pushed my feelings for him out of my head and tried to remember that I was about to touch the weapon I'd been longing for since childhood. The memory of the Badica house came back to me yet again. The Strigoi were out there. I needed to focus. Hesitantly, almost reverentially, I reached out and curled my fingers around the hilt. The metal was cool and tingled against my skin. It was etched along the hilt for better grip, but in trailing my fingers over the rest of it, I found the surface to be as smooth as glass. I lifted it from his hand and brought it to me, taking a long time to study it and get used to its weight. An anxious part of me wanted to turn around and impale all of the dummies, but instead I looked up at Dimitri and asked, â€Å"What should I do first?†In his typical way, he covered basics first, honing the way I held and moved with the stake. Later on, he finally let me attack one of the dummies, at which point I did indeed discover it was not effortless. Evolution had done a smart thing in protecting the heart with the sternum and ribs. Yet through it all, Dimitri never faltered in diligence and patience, guiding me through every step and correcting the finest details. â€Å"Slide up through the ribs,†he explained, watching me try to fit the stake's point through a gap in the bones. â€Å"It'll be easier since you're shorter than most of your attackers. Plus, you can slide along the lower rib's edge.†When practice ended, he took the stake back and nodded his approval. â€Å"Good. Very good.†I glanced at him in surprise. He didn't usually hand out a lot of praise. â€Å"Really?†â€Å"You do it like you've been doing it for years.†I felt a delighted grin creep over my face as we started leaving the practice room. When we neared the door, I noticed a dummy with curly red hair. Suddenly, all the events from Stan's class came tumbling back into my head. I scowled. â€Å"Can I stake that one next time?†He picked up his coat and put it on. It was long and brown, made of distressed leather. It looked very much like a cowboy duster, though he'd never admit to it. He had a secret fascination with the Old West. I didn't really understand it, but then, I didn't get his weird musical preferences either. â€Å"I don't think that'd be healthy,†he said. â€Å"It'd be better than me actually doing it to her,†I grumbled, slinging my backpack over one shoulder. We headed out to the gym. â€Å"Violence isn't the answer to your problems,†he said sagely. â€Å"She's the one with the problem. And I thought the whole point of my education was that violence is the answer.†â€Å"Only to those who bring it to you first. Your mother isn't assaulting you. You two are just too much alike, that's all.†I stopped walking. â€Å"I'm not anything like her! I mean†¦we kind of have the same eyes. But I'm a lot taller. And my hair's completely different.†I pointed to my pony tail, just in case he wasn't aware that my thick brown-black hair didn't look like my mother's auburn curls. He still had kind of an amused expression, but there was something hard in his eyes too. â€Å"I'm not talking about your appearances, and you know it.†I looked away from that knowing gaze. My attraction to Dimitri had started almost as soon as we'd metand it wasn't just because he was so hot, either. I felt like he understood part of me that I didn't understand myself, and sometimes I was pretty sure I understood parts of him that he didn't understand either. The only problem was that he had the annoying tendency to point out things about myself I didn't want to understand. â€Å"You think I'm jealous?†â€Å"Are you?†he asked. I hated it when he answered my questions with questions. â€Å"If so, what are you jealous of exactly?†I glanced back at Dimitri. â€Å"I don't know. Maybe I'm jealous of her reputation. Maybe I'm jealous because she's put more time into her reputation than into me. I don't know.†â€Å"You don't think what she did was great?†â€Å"Yes. No. I don't know. It just sounded like such a †¦ I don't know†¦like she was bragging. Like she did it for the glory.†I grimaced. â€Å"For the marks.†Molnija marks were tattoos awarded to guardians when they killed Strigoi. Each one looked like a tiny x made of lightning bolts. They went on the backs of our necks and showed how experienced a guardian was. â€Å"You think facing down Strigoi is worth a few marks? I thought you'd learned something from the Badica house.†I felt stupid. â€Å"That's not what I†â€Å"Come on.†I stopped walking. â€Å"What?†We'd been heading toward my dorm, but now he nodded his head toward the opposite side of campus. â€Å"I want to show you something.†â€Å"What is it?†â€Å"That not all marks are badges of honor.â€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Ketamine Abused Drug or Medical Miracle Professor Ramos Blog
Ketamine Abused Drug or Medical Miracle Ketamine: Abused Drug or Medical Miracle When the synthetic drug Ketamine first was synthesized it was mainly used on animals as an anesthetic. The reason it is used on animals is that it was found to have hallucinogenic effects on humans. Today ketamine is mainly used on humans by medical teams in small doses as an anesthetic, however it does have other uses in the medical field. As with many other synthetic drugs that can cause hallucinations, it has become popular for recreational use. I have seen ketamine used in different settings and I can’t help but wonder. Can Ketamine be used in a medical setting? When ketamine is abused what does do to the brain? How Ketamine Was Created Ketamine was synthesized from a chemical compound known as phencyclidine, this compound was previously tested on humans to treat schizophrenia. After more clinical studies â€Å"it became clear that phencyclidine was not suitable for human anesthesia†(Domino 679), because it caused hallucinations. Cal Bratton, M.D., Ph.D., Head of Pharmaceutical Research at Parke Davis stated that he â€Å"was convinced that a short-acting derivative would be useful†(Domino 679). Bratton consulted Calvin Lee Stevens on the matter after discussing with each other they decided to synthesize derivatives of phencyclidine. One of these compounds was known as CI-581, this compound was later named Ketamine. Trials on animals went well and soon began trials on humans. It was observed during human testing that ketamine worked extremely well for anesthesia and with little to no side effects. Edward F. Domino, M.D. helped with clinical trials of ketamine, after much research he and his colleague s decided it was time to publish their findings. â€Å"I mentioned that the subjects were â€Å"disconnected†from their environment. Toni came up with the term â€Å"dissociative anesthetic†(Domino 680). Ketamine is known as a dissociative anesthetic, this means that the user is generally â€Å"not all there†when they return from the anesthetic state. Today, the world knows ketamine as a medication that vets use on animals to put them to sleep for surgeries. As you can see the scientist who created ketamine had a completely different use in mind. They were searching for a cure to schizophrenia, they never imagined what it would become today. Medical Uses of Ketamine Ketamine research for various mental disorders has been done extensively. In almost all these cases it has shown that Ketamine has a profound effect on the brain when administered properly. The main mental disorder ketamine has been used to treat is depression. Research has demonstrated â€Å"improvement in 12 of 15 depressed patients (79%), which was maintained for 14 days†(Kraus, 7). Overall when used to treat depression ketamine shown very promising signs, â€Å"clinical trials demonstrate that †¦ ketamine is highly effective and rapid acting†(Kraus, 8). Kraus states that â€Å"in comparison with other treatments †¦ ketamine is less invasive †¦ ketamine does not need supervision by an anesthetist and can be performed in a controlled outpatient setting†(9). Ketamine can also be used to treat severe pain. The following information is based off findings from various hospital emergency departments. These hospitals include Alameda Health System, Highland Hospital and some research done at University of California, San Francisco, California. Terence L Ahern MD states that in his studies of ketamine for pain â€Å"38 patients were included with a median initial numerical rating scale pain score 9 of 10. At 10 minutes, the median reduction in pain score was 4†(1402). (see table 1). Table 1 This table shows pain rating of Emergancy Room patients from initial to 10 minutes to 60 minutes of treatment Source: Low-Dose Ketamine Infusion for Emergency Department Patients with Severe Pain: Pain Medicine, vol. 16, no. 7, July 2015, table 1. The ketamine was administered via IV most of the people who used it as a pain treatment were asked; â€Å"Would you have this medication again for similar pain? †¦ (84%) responded they would have ketamine again†(Ahern 1403-1404). As with all drugs ketamine does have side effects. The more common side effects are dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and poor concentration (see fig. 1). Fig. 1. Side effects of ketamine administration on infusion day and post infusion in percent from Murrough et al.; â€Å"Administration of ketamine for unipolar and bipolar depression†; International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice; pp. 7. As you can see from the chart above, the side effects are mild and uncommon. From my research I have learned that Ketamine can be extremely beneficial if used properly. It has effects on the brain and the body in positive ways, without major and long lasted side effects. Recreational Use and Effects of Ketamine Ketamine has a very large spike in recreational use recently due to the rise of club and rave cultures. Use is ketamine varies widely from person to person. Infrequent users generally use it while going to clubs, raves and other parties. Frequent users say they use it daily in ranges of one half to 3 grams. When someone is on ketamine the user feels disassociated from the world. I’ve have seen people on large dosages of ketamine (1-3grams) from what I can see the person would seem very confused on to what was going on around him. He could not hold a conversation, let alone a thought for more then a few seconds. The user would periodically â€Å"come back to reality†and be fully conscious, but this would last a max of 20 seconds. They would suddenly drift back into their disassociated state. After about 20 minutes they would be fully conscious again and able to hold conversation, but still slightly in their ketamine high. They would talk slow and slur their words. The brain is heavily affected by prolonged ketamine use, in most cases it destroys multiple regions of the brain. According to Chunmei Wang of the Brain Research Center, Institute of Chinese Medicine â€Å"the brain regions affected were prefrontal, parietal, occipital, limbic, brainstem and corpus striatum. The lesions affected both the gray and white matter†(5). (see fig. 2). Fig. 2. The left shows a normal brain with no drug abuse. The right is an addicts’ brain who has done a half gram of ketamine each day for seven years. You can see that some sections of the brain almost looked smashed or caved in, this is where it has deteriorated from the usage of ketamine from Chunmei Wang et al.; â€Å"Brain damages in ketamine addicts as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging†; Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, vol. 7, no. 23, 2013; pp. 1-6 According to the report In and out of the K-hole: a comparison of the acute and residual effects of ketamine in frequent and infrequent ketamine users ketamine has a major effect on cognitive ability when abused. The research in this article includes different assessments that test areas of cognitive ability, there was a total of 37 participants. 18 of them were frequent users and 19 were infrequent. The assessment was done on the day of the usage and 3 days later. In all cases those who used ketamine frequently (about 20 times a month) scored much lower on the test then those who used it infrequently (once every two months). These assessments tested areas such as memory, speed of comprehension and verbal fluency. The memory assessment showed that â€Å"following an acute dose both groups scored similarly; however, on day 3, frequent users were still highly impaired†(Curran and Monaghan, 754). For the speed of comprehension assessment Curran and Monaghan states â€Å"this ta sk, reflecting poorer performance on both test days by the frequent users†(755). The group of infrequent users performed much better on both days. Verbal Fluency, the last assessment showed similar results to the speed of comprehension test. These tests prove that frequently using ketamine will impact the user on a larger scale for much longer. Conclusion            Ketamine can be used in a variety of ways both medical and recreational. There are great benefits to use ketamine in a medical setting and while having very little side effects. Ketamine can be used to treat mental disorders such as depression and be used to treat pain. However, ketamine can be abused in recreational settings. Therefore, ketamine is a schedule III drug in America, it has potential for abuse but still have medical use potential. Although it has medical uses ketamine is still illegal in the United States. When ketamine is abused, it damages the brain and causes severe cognitive disability. These negative effects are long lasting and in cases of the brain deterioration cannot be reversed. Ahern, Terence L., et al. â€Å"Low-Dose Ketamine Infusion for Emergency Department Patients with Severe Pain.†Pain Medicine, vol. 16, no. 7, July 2015, pp. 1402–1409. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/pme.12705. This article is based on a clinical research study of the use of ketamine for severe pain. In this study a total of 38 people were administered ketamine in small doses for various sources of pain. After 120 minutes the people were asked to rate their pain and if they would take it again. In most cases their pain was significantly lower, and 32 people said they would take it again for similar pain. I will use this in my report to show that ketamine can be used for more treatment of pain as well as depression. This is a very reliable source as the information is derived directly from test that were administered by the doctors who wrote the article. Domino, Edward F. â€Å"Taming the Ketamine Tiger.† Anesthesiology, 2010, pp. 678–680. This article explains how ketamine came to be. It teaches you that ketamine was derived from phencyclidine. Its purpose was to be used on humans for anesthesia, although today it is mostly used in veterinary clinics for that purpose. I am using this is my report to give a background on how ketamine came to be, I feel to understand this drug you need to know why it was created. The source is a first-hand experience from the man who created it, his name is Edward F. Domino M.D. PHD, was a Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan for 50 years, in that time he has worked on many research projects with various chemical compounds. Curran, H.Valerie, and Lisa Monaghan. â€Å"In and out of the K-Hole: A Comparison of the Acute and Residual Effects of Ketamine in Frequent and Infrequent Ketamine Users.†Addiction, vol. 96, no. 5, May 2001, pp. 749–760. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/09652140020039116. This article is a study of recreational ketamine users. It studies the user’s ability to perform cognitive task before and after taking ketamine. They use several different tasks which target different areas of the brain. I plan to use this in my research to show the effects ketamine on the brain when doing normal everyday tasks. I find this research to be reliable as it comes from Psychopharmacology Research Unit, Sub-department of Clinical Health Psychology, University College London, London, UK. Kraus, Christoph, et al. â€Å"Administration of Ketamine for Unipolar and Bipolar Depression.†International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, vol. 21, no. 1, Mar. 2017, pp. 2–12. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/13651501.2016.1254802. This article is based on a clinical research study of the uses in ketamine to treat mild to severe depression. The research in the article contains a total of 19 clinical trials that all had positive results. I will be using this in my report to show the possible use of ketamine for treating depression which is considered a mental health disorder. This research was taken from the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, it was written by the people who conducted the clinical trials and is based directly on their findings. Wang Chunmei, et al. â€Å"Brain damages in ketamine addicts as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging†Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, vol. 7, no. 23, 2013, pp. 1-6, doi:10.3389/fnana.2013.00023. This article is based on a study of ketamine addicts in the range of 0.5 to 12 years of ketamine addiction at various dosage amounts. It focuses on brain imaging to study the users’ brain and how it has been affected by ketamine. I will use this in my research to show the negative effects ketamine has on the human brain. I find this to be a reliable source because it is research produced by the Brain Research Center, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Activity Essays - Membrane Technology
Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Activity Essays - Membrane Technology Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Activity Dr. Alan Rizzo IB Biology SL Year 1 October 10, 2013 Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Activity Activity A Glucose concentration Time (min)Observation Glucose stripLugols solution (Starch indicator)Dialysis tube of glucose starch solution 0Test pad has green color, indicating 300mg/dL of glucose.Dark and transparent amber with tints of red. It is not uniform: contains dark spots of red color. Solution has translucent, pale, milky, cloudy white color. 3Test pad is yellow with a tint of green in various spots, indicating the concentration of glucose as being less than 100mg/dL. 15Test pad is very dark with green color, indicating glucose concentration of 1000mg/dL.Transparent, paler yellowish brown with tints of lighter shade of orange.Solution becomes less translucent and less milky. Data collection Conclusion and Evaluation From this experiment, it is perceived that the size of molecules matter when passing through a semi-permeable membrane. The dialysis tube initially contained only starch and glucose molecules. But because it was submerged in Lugols solution that had higher concentration of Iodine for a period of time, as a result of diffusion, indicator solutions molecules that consisted of iodine naturally moved from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. On the other hand, glucose and starch are both macromolecules that are large in size. Glucose molecules are smaller, and some of them were able to diffuse through the dialysis membrane into Lugols solution while starch molecules were too large and remained in the dialysis tube. In the end, molecules in Lugols solution and glucose molecules were present outside the tube. Inside the tube, there were Lugols solutions molecules, remaining glucose molecules and starch molecules. The concentration of all solutions is balance d inside and outside the dialysis tube consequently. This experiment showed one systematic error. The dialysis tube, after being in amber-colored Lugols solution for a long time, should turn darker or black in color. Becoming darker in color indicates the diffusion of Lugols solutions molecules that pass through the membrane. In order to clarify this error, more trials of this experiment should be conducted on several dialysis tubes, which will cause the data to be less anomalous and more accurate. Activity B Potato sticks and salt concentration Introduction Hypothesis: The longer the time period potato sticks are left in salt solution, the more flexible they will become as most potato cells will be in the state of hypertonic solution. Potato sticksObservation - Effects of salt solution on potato sticks) BeforeAfter Rigid, bendable, rough Snaps broken Pale yellow Average length of 3 cmExtremely flexible Paler shade of yellow Does not snap broken when bent Average length of 2.9 cm Data collection Conclusion The experiment proves my hypothesis correct. This experiment causes potato cells to shrink as a result of osmosis diffusion. Initially, the concentration in potato cells is high, while the concentration of water in salt solution. Osmosis, movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, caused water molecules within each cell to diffuse out into the salt solution in order to create equilibrium of concentration both in and outside the potato cells. Consequently of the decrease in amount of water in each cell, the flexible cellular membrane was pulled in and more wrinkled-like; the cell shrank in general. With cells now shrank and less rigid, potato sticks became more bendable and very flexible. Activity C Red onion cells and 2% NaCl solution Introduction Hypothesis: If red onion cells are exposed to 2% NaCl solutions drop longer, cell membranes will shrink further, as a result of becoming hypertonic solution. Conclusion This experiment demonstrated the process of osmosis and supports my hypothesis. By using the microscope, it was noticeable that red onion cells cell membranes were shrunk after a drop of 2% NaCl solution was put on the coverslip. It was the result of osmosis, which is the movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration. When NaCl solution was dropped on the coverslip and entered red onion cells, the internal environment of each cell is more concentrated in terms of water. Consequently, the water molecules left the cells for the external environment, which had lower concentration of water molecules in order to create equilibriums inside and outside of the cell. The cell walls did not shrink as they serve as
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14
Discussion Questions - Essay Example Ethics can add value to a business by ensuring the company does not get involved in any undesirable scandals. I believe that companies have a responsibility to comply with the demand of many stakeholders groups. Some of the key stakeholder groups that must be considered in the decision making process of the company are lenders, shareholders, governmental entities, suppliers, the community, and the environment. An example of a company that satisfies the needs of various stakeholders is Starbuck Cafà ©. Starbucks supports poor farmers by purchasing only fair trade coffee. Companies cannot focus only on the investors because many firms have other missions and goals that go beyond making money. Wal-Mart is proud to be the largest private employer in the world with 2.1 million employees (Businessinsider, 2012). I believe that proper ethical conduct is important both in the private life of a person and in the workplace. People are often faced with ethical dilemmas in their private life. Ethical decisions affect consumer buying patters. Some people prefer to purchase green products because they are environmentally friendly. In the workplace acting in an ethical manner is mandatory. Unethical behavior can lead to bad results in the workplace. It is essential for employees to follow the ethical code of conduct of an enterprise. Violations of the ethical code of conduct of a company can lead to suspensions or termination of employment. â€Å"Consequentialism says that right or wrong depend on the consequences of an act, and that the more good consequences are produced, the better the act†(Bbc, 2012). Often politicians based their decision on consequentialism ethical principles. Deontological is an ethical theory concerned with duties and right (Freedictionary, 2012). This ethical perspective is often utilized by law enforcement agents. The ethical theory is relative since different people perceive duties and rights differently. A third ethical
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cultural Competent Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Competent Care - Essay Example As the study stresses one of the models for understanding cultural competence has been provided by Campinha-Bacote which serves as a framework for the concept and teaches caregivers to become culturally competent. According to this model culturally competent care can be achieved through the integration of knowledge and awareness about various cultures; the skill and desire to become culturally competent; and from the different encounters with culturally diverse populations. Caregivers would be able to provide culturally competent care when they gain more knowledge about the diverse cultural and ethnical groups whom they are likely to encounter. In addition, self-analyses about any existing prejudice notion and bias against any culture or ethnical group would also help to overcome any inherent stigma. Continuous encounters with culturally diverse populations will help them to change the existing beliefs about a particular culture and develop a more refined attitude towards such indivi duals. Above all caregivers should also have the basic desire to become culturally competent and provide universal care to all their patients. In order to meet this end they should also be willing to develop their skills in handling patients from diverse cultural backgrounds without and collect the relevant details without hurting their cultural or ethnical sentiments. The following diagram provides a visual analogy of the Campinha-Bacote model. This paper outlines it should also be noted that cultural competent care does not only encompasses culturally or ethnically diverse populations as it also includes those who belong to a marginalized section of the population such as those with disabilities and people who belong to the third gender. It is important that such marginalized people are afforded similar treatment and are not discriminated or stigmatized on the basis of the above differences.
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