Thursday, August 27, 2020
Negligence in Midwifery
Carelessness in Midwifery Christine Borg After an unconstrained vaginal conveyance a lady endured an extreme drain prompting hypovolaeima and serious grown-up respiratory pain. She was admitted to an Intensive Care Unit yet had intermittent seeping, than crumbled. After revival in theater, a significant bit of placental tissue was evacuated under general sedation. Upon routine checking the staff maternity specialist was at first dicey about the placenta, however then she archived that the placenta was finished. Talk about. Presentation A rehearsing enrolled birthing assistant is a responsible individual who guarantees that wellbeing and security laws are executed in her consideration gave (Dimond, 2002 pg.312). The enlisted birthing specialist places into need the security of the mother and her infant. The able birthing assistant is educated, understanding, talented, and responsible. Lamentably any conduct that the exploration based proficient completes or neglects to do, that bring about mischief to the mother or the kid will have legitimate ramifications (Dimond, 2002). Baby blues drain Uncontrolled seeping of more than 500mls from the women’s genital tract, whenever following conveyance to 12 weeks baby blues is portrayed as baby blues discharge (Williams, 2011 pg.113). Blood lost can be either obvious or covered, bringing about stun (Tiran, 2012). Baby blues drain is the most widely recognized reason for maternal passing happening around the world (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Ideal administration of the third and fourth phase of work involves incredible worry towards safeguarding maternal wellbeing. Baby blues drain is regularly an instance of wrong administration of the third phase of work, alongside an amateurish investigation of the placenta (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Assessment of the placenta Review of the placenta is a down to earth assessment done in the working room by a completely qualified birthing assistant. This test incorporates the appraisal of both the fetal and maternal layers. Assessment of the placenta is a piece of the obligation of care of the maternity specialist in the principal hour following birth. On the conveyance of the placenta, either by hopeful or dynamic administration of the third stage, the birthing assistant holds up the placenta from the umbilical line with the fetal surfaces being analyzed first. The films are inspected for respectability, culmination and any current anomalies. Films; the amnion and the chorion ought to be tried to be available and complete (De Kock, 2004). This appraisal is typically done within the sight of the mother. The maternal surface is analyzed for fulfillment, in order to ensure that no cotyledons have been left inside the uterus. On the off chance that a cotyledon is seen as absent, or if the maternity specialist is unsure with respect to placental discoveries, help from other wellbeing experts ought to be looked for and the placenta saved for additional assessment. Of most extreme significance is to remember the mother for the assessment, portraying purposes behind the assessment system, while clarifying the potential dangers of a fragmented placenta (De Kock, 2004). Women’s directly for data The mother has the option to be educated regarding both the ordinary and unusual discoveries. Correspondence is a fundamental apparatus in birthing assistance. While being near the lady, the maternity specialist ought to have clarified the circumstance and kept the mother quiet, while talking her through the essential methodology that were to happen (ICM, 2011) The birthing assistant The title ‘midwife’ must be utilized by the ’’person who has effectively finished a maternity care instructive program, that is appropriately perceived in the nation where it is found and that depends on the ICM Essential Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice and the structure of ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education : who has procured the imperative capabilities to be enlisted or potentially legitimately authorized to rehearse birthing assistance and utilize the title ‘midwife’; and who shows competency in the act of midwifery’’ (Midwives code of training, 2005). The center abilities of the maternity specialist The birthing assistant is fit to rehearse on the off chance that she has the essential information and abilities, has a decent expert conduct, character and a decent wellbeing status, satisfying the guidelines and skills required (ICM, 2011). Abilities are set up as a guide for maternity specialists to satisfy their calling. The rules gave by the code of training in birthing assistance, plans to place in need the security of the mother and the kid. The capabilities of the master of typicality incorporate her capacity to work with the ladies and give consistent consideration and backing. Being skillful methods, that a top notch care and a social touchy help is given to the mother during birth. Such occasion is the checking of the fetal and maternal prosperity and giving the help towards playing out a protected birth. The maternity specialist must know about the potential dangers happening during work having the option to watch, perceive and act when cautioning signs present (ICM, 2011). Being capable and responsible the case situation The aptitudes and capacities permit the birthing specialist to examine the placenta for trustworthiness and culmination, in any case, in such a case as portrayed above, having a maternity specialist not certain about herself, referral to other medicinal services experts ought to have been thought of while helping the last mentioned if conceivable. Having the mother advised of the discoveries and given agree with connection to the methodology that expected to occur, suitable absense of pain ought to have been managed. When the specialist affirms that a piece of the placenta is feeling the loss of, a vaginal test followed by an assessment of the uterus under sterile conditions is normally performed. Should the birthing specialist went about as a dependable expert, she more likely than not been in charge to take the fundamental earnest measures if help from other wellbeing experts was not available, remembering the hazard against the advantages. In such a case the need of the maternity specialist ought to have been overseeing baby blues draining in order to maintain a strategic distance from the frequency of discharge (ICM, 2011). The aptitudes and capacities of the birthing assistant permit her to play out a fundal rub so as to invigorate a compression and help any outstanding coagulations left in the uterine or vaginal depression to be conveyed (De Kock, 2004). Of most extreme significance in the conveying the fitting consideration, was the observing and estimation of the maternal blood misfortune. Oxytocic medications ought to have been managed while routinely surveying crucial indications of the mother, notwithstanding the account of succinct and precise information of the occasions (ICM, 2011). In such a case were discharge happened, lifesaving medications could have been regulated to the lady all together for stun and respiratory trouble to be stayed away from. The birthing assistant will have the aptitude to recognize stun and have the option to oversee it. An intravenous line ought to have been embedded in such case and keeping in mind that managing the proper liquids and medications, drawing of blood for research center testing could have been made conceivable. The lady with genuine confusion should have been moved to a more elevated level of care so concerning crisis care to be given as required. In outrageous cases the maternity specialist must have the option to perform cardio aspiratory revival (De Kock, 2004). Moreover, following such consideration, the birthing assistant probably given incredible significance to the postnatal time of the lady. Perceptions of the woman’s progress and observing of the imperative signs ought to have occurred (ICM, 2011). Record Keeping-An expert apparatus Precise documentation of the procedure of work and birth is a dependable job of the maternity specialist. Proper composed data about the advancement of work and the on-going consideration gave during this experience, gives out relative data about the mother and the fetal prosperity during the birth occasions. The birthing assistant must guarantee that all the records are filled properly before moving the lady to the future human services experts (De Kock, 2004). The reason for documentation is to give a composed proof of occasions as they happen (Dimond, 2002). Suitable composed correspondence in case of work will be real, all around directed, brief, reliable, exact, clear, neat, important and marked. Composing will incorporate nitty gritty data of the consideration gave, the arrangement, activities, perceptions and the occasions happening during work (Dimond, 2002) All the data being recorded is to be composed as a contemporaneous way of occasions. Recording labor is a portrayal of the birthing procedure. Relative data will incorporate information of the assessed blood misfortune during work, the discoveries from the placenta assessment just as the consequences of the mother’s crucial signs, at whatever point taken during the mother’s remain. Appraisal of the perineum and vagina alongside ID of vital fixes, type and amount of stitches required ought to likewise be noted (Dimond, 2002). The birthing specialist must save all data recorded. Keeping all the records gives direction to the wellbeing proficient (Dimond, 2002). Docum entation is a device in the specialists practice and it will be considered as a basic piece of care and not as extra to the consideration offered (Dimond, 2002) When putting down out accounts one is to take out truncations and write in a way that is effortlessly comprehended by others. Records will be clear to fill in as a device to encourage an examination. In the event that any slip-up is available in the account of data, this ought to be amended by removing flawlessly the misstep, while ensuring that a signature and a date is introduced. All data recorded by understudies is to be seen and marked by the birthing assistant allocated. Data is to be written in a continuous way, having issues emerging during the birth recognized, and the activities and plans noted (Dimond, 2002). Customary preparing on documentation will be proposed particularly in circumstances wher
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Miss Julie†by August Strindberg and “Death In Venice†by Thomas Mann Essay
The introduction of the subject and the primary characters of â€Å"Miss Julie†by August Strindberg and â€Å"Death In Venice†by Thomas Mann. The relative investigation will look at the subject of desire and love, and the likenesses between the two principle characters from the play â€Å"Miss Julie†by August Strindberg and the Novel †Death in Venice†by Thomas Mann. The primary characters from every story originate from a higher class, and they are required to act respectable, however some way or another the two of them come up short due to their wants for affection and desire. August Strindberg wishes to depict a high class family that have certain guidelines and qualities, that Miss Julie; the girl of the family, neglects to satisfy. Miss Julie plays with the hireling and looses her virginity to him, her â€Å"curiosity†for the worker brings about her being shamed by individuals around her. Her desire for the worker makes her frail and at long last she ends it all since she was incited by the hireling called Jean. In Thomas Mann’s tale then again, the principle character is a man called Gustav von Aschenbach, who puts on a show of being a moderate and to some degree â€Å"religious†man. He is a known creator that movements to Venice and runs over a kid that intrigues him, his interest causes him to follow the little fellow called Tadzio around Venice. Indeed, even at a youthful age Tadzio is very much aware of his excellence, and he utilizes it to catch Aschenbachs consideration and his interest. Aschenbach as well, bites the dust as a result of his affection for Tadzio. Aschenbach gets harmed by the cholera plague in Venice. He bites the dust while viewing Tadzio on the sea shore, he bites the dust in his seat. Miss Julie is a little girl of a tally and in this way she is affluent, and has a full staff of hirelings. Miss Julie appears to be an exceptionally outgoing individual, she moves toward the staff and converses with them. One specifically, the hireling called Jean. One midsummer night Miss Julie snatches Jean and hits the dance floor with him, yet it was anything but an unobtrusive move, Jean portrays it while conversing with his fianc㠯⠿â ½ Christine. Jean: †I took the check to the station, and when I returned by the horse shelter, I went in and had a move and there I saw a youngster driving the hit the dance floor with the gamekeeper. Be that as it may, when she got a quick look at me, she surged straight up to me and requested that I move the women waltz with her. Furthermore, since the time she’s been dancing like †well, I never observed its like. She’s crazy.†1 This is a case of how Miss Julie approaches individuals, in a certain way. At the point when you read the discourse among Jean and Miss Julie all through the book, it is perceptible that Jean is doing all the talking, and â€Å"philosophizing†, Miss Julie sits with only him in the kitchen and listens cautiously. Their circumstance is a dangerous one, on the grounds that despite the fact that Jean is Miss Julie’s hireling he is additionally a man, and on account of the time the story happens, the man is over the lady. Miss Julie looses her virginity to Jean in the kitchen, and after Jean has sex with Miss Julie he understands that she has no respect or cash herself. She understands what her desire for him has caused her to do, she will presently get disrespected by her father and everybody around her. Jean disregards her, despite the fact that he was the person who just laid down with her, and Miss Julie doesn’t realize how to manage herself? Julie: Help me, help me! Disclose to me just what I am to do †where I am to go? Jean: O ruler, if just I knew myself! Julie: I have been exasperated, I have been distraught, yet there should be some method of sparing myself. Jean: Stay directly here and stay silent, Nobody knows anything. Julie: Impossible! The individuals know, and Christine knows. Jean: They don’t know, and they could never trust it conceivable. Julie: (wavering) But †it may happen once more. 2 This exchange is an away from of their relationship, Miss Julie appeared to be certain about the beginning, but since of her creating affections for Jean she gets uncertain, and begins to ask Jean what do to. The play closes with Miss Julie following Jean’s guidance and ending it all, so she would not need to go up against her slip-ups. She looses all her capacity, and honorability by laying down with the worker. At long last it is evident to see that Miss Julie essentially simply needed a man that could deal with her, and her desires assumed control over her sound judgment. Miss Julie’s predicament is disputable, in light of the fact that what she was doing was extremely basic among the male blue-bloods. This is a run of the mill case of imbalance between genders! Thomas Mann’s questionable novel depicts a man called Gustav von Aschenbach who is a creator that movements to Venice alone out traveling. At the point when he shows up in Venice he is perceptive, and he sees various individuals around him, acting senseless and he nearly gets shocked by their conduct. He saw an old man with a cover on, engaging some more youthful individuals. â€Å"They appeared to endure his quality among them as something constant and to underestimated, they regarded him as an equivalent, responded without humiliation when he teasingly jabbed them in the ribs. How was this possible?†3 This is the reason Aschenbach is a moderate man, who doesn't see past his own high contrast world. This is one thing that changes on his outing, in the wake of registering to his lodging, he sees a Polish family, among them there is a little youngster who surprises Aschenbach, his excellence alarms him and the kid called Tadzio gets Aschenbach’s complete consideration. Aschenbach’s love and want for the kid convinces himself to come up with a rationalization to remain in Venice, despite the fact that he was going to leave in light of his awful wellbeing condition. His weeks in Venice bring about him sitting by the sea shore and watching Tadzio. At some point, Tadzio pivots and takes a gander at Aschenbach, he gazes at him in a presumptuous way, as though he is mindful of his excellence and how Aschenbach feels about him. Aschenbach just persuades himself that he just has a â€Å"abstract and masterful interest.†In spite of the fact that clearly he has gotten a genuine fixation for him, and began to nearly cherish him. The city of Venice was contaminated with an awful cholera scourge, Aschenbach can smell how terrible it had gotten, however as opposed to leaving or remaining inside he keeps on strolling around, as though it is a feeling of recovery for what he is thinking. Aschenbach knows himself that what he is doing, and believing isn't right. His interest for the kid has assumed control over his sound judgment. He doesn't approach Tadzio however he chases after him Venice, and he longs for him, and finds his sexual desires. One evening he goes to the anteroom and discovers that the Polish family is leaving, at that point even in his evil condition he goes to the sea shore to watch Tadzio once and for all. Tadzio is standing unaided by the sea shore and watching out at the water, he glances back at his admirer, Aschenbach attempts to get up yet falls back in his seat and kicks the bucket. Miss Julie was written in 1888, and Death in Venice was written in 1912. There are relatively few likenesses between the writers, and the styles these two stories were written in. However they do have comparative subjects and comparative characters. Desire and love, was what drove both primary characters to act in an unexpected way, and questionable to what they are use to. The two of them kick the bucket as a result of there activities, which were made in view of their wants. Both the tales are disasters however communicated in altogether different manners, one through a play another through a novel. Miss Julie and Gustav Von Aschenbach have both endured, endured what they ordinarily would accept was something worth being thankful for, affection. It was taboo love and desire. Book index Strindberg, August. Miss Julie. New York: Dover Publications, 1992. Print. Thomas, Mann,. Passing in Venice and different stories. London: Vintage, 1998. Print. 1 Miss Julie, August Strindberg P.2 2 Miss Julie, August Strindberg P.25 3 Death in Venice, Thomas Mann P.211
Affirmative action Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Governmental policy regarding minorities in society - Dissertation Example As the report pronounces Affirmative Action is communicated through the detailing of offices, for example, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which guarantees that all types of segregation at the work environment are maintained a strategic distance from beyond what many would consider possible. For instance, one of the types of segregation that exists as the working environment, particularly among cops, is sexual separation and harrassment towards individuals from both genders. The term badgering is a wide extending one and isn't confined just to the compulsion into the sexual demonstration. It incorporates all types of undesirable sexual consideration, or sexual pressure, sex jeer or intriguing subtext. Prejudicial conduct could bring about verbal and physical maltreatment of a criminal in a second rate position with a law requirement official. This conversation focuses on that at the work environment, lewd behavior of ladies cops turns out to be especially upsetting for the casualty on account of the implemented idea of the contact and the need to persevere through the repulsiveness for holding one’s occupation and the wellspring of one’s day by day pay. In the United States, provocation is characterized essentially as an unfriendly workplace where undesirable are requests are made to straightforwardly or by implication meddle with a person’s business and meddle with the individual’s execution †governmental policy regarding minorities in society assists with tending to these worries. Governmental policy regarding minorities in society is significantly progressively important in the work of cops.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Proposal on Fear of Crime Essay Example
Research Proposal on Fear of Crime Essay Dread of wrongdoing is the marvel of the dread of turning into a survivor of a wrongdoing. Dread of wrongdoing can be known as a specific kind of the mental issue or essentially fear. The individual fears turning into an indispensable piece of the wrongdoing, so to get included into this demonstration. Dread of wrongdoing is regularly associated with the dread of youth, as the youngsters are frequently connected with wrongdoing being unpleasant and passionate. At the point when the individual experiences the dread of wrongdoing, this impacts her life contrarily and makes it confounded. The individual beginnings abstaining from strolling in the jam-packed spots expecting that the huge number of individuals improves the danger of being required into the wrongdoing. Moreover, the individual attempts to walk just in the natural places in the specific hours accepting that steadiness and consistency of the circumstance will assist her with avoiding wrongdoing. The individual likewise applies preventive measures to keep away from wrongdoing, including the methods for self-protection and high costs on the caution frameworks to forestall secrecy of the vehicle or to stop robbers infiltrating into the house. The dread of wrongdoing is additionally a constructive thing, in light of the fact that the individual begins to consider her wellbeing, improves the methods for self-preservation, and so on. Obviously, if the dread is solid, it transforms into the specific neurosis and the individual sees a risk of wrongdoing all over the place. So as to assist one with disposing of the dread of wrongdoing, he endures the treatment with a clinician, who characterizes the reasons of the dread and clears up the genuine chance of wrongdoing for a typical individual. We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Fear of Crime explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Fear of Crime explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Research Proposal on Fear of Crime explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Dread of wrongdoing is a sort of neurosis or fear which depends on the mental dread of interest in the wrongdoing in the job of a casualty. The understudy who is going to investigate the subject further should contemplate the root of the dread, the sorts of the dread, its impact on the human life and social relations. The examination proposition ought to persuade the educator that the subject on dread of wrongdoing is a commendable one and the examination and clarification by the understudy will improve the state of the issue and outline the potential answers for the current issue. The primary entangled second related with look into proposition composing is to pick the correct way of composing. The Internet is the dependable aide of each understudy and youngsters can peruse a free model research proposition on dread of wrongdoing made the essayist who realizes the subject well. Under the help of a free example look into proposition on dread of wrongdoing one can set up an all around dissected convincing paper which can be acknowledged by the most requesting teacher. NOTE!!! All free example explore proposition and models on Fear of Crime are 100% appropriated, we are here to support you! is a main research proposition composing administration, which can offer you the arrangement you have been searching for. With a huge number of composed research papers and recommendations for Master’s and PhD degrees, we can give you precisely what you need at entirely moderate costs. Our accomplished journalists will demonstrate you that high caliber and eliteness is a trademark of our items. We can ensure your classification and guarantee you severe on time conveyance. There are numerous purposes behind to turn into your preferred research proposition composing administration, however all we are asking you †simply check out us!
Essay Writing Tips - How to Write Winning College Essays
Essay Writing Tips - How to Write Winning College EssaysFor most, winning college essays is almost like running a marathon. The basic idea is to come up with excellent work so that you get high marks from your prospective college.If you are one of those who are obsessed with winning college essays, the first thing you should do is learn about college writing. You need to learn about essay topics, different types of writing, the different forms used in essays, and some of the steps you should take to be able to write an essay that stands out. It is very important that you know the basics of college writing.Learning about topics is one of the most important factors that will help you win college essays. You should remember that you need to come up with essays that cover a wide range of subjects. Do not stick to one topic but instead go for broad topics to be able to make your academic essays memorable.Good composition guidelines are another factor that will help you achieve good result s. You need to be able to follow certain rules while writing the essay. Writing the essay is actually not that hard but there are some rules that you need to be aware of. Remember to follow these tips to improve your writing skills.The first step is to get all the correct information you need. You need to read as much about the topic as possible. By researching, you will be able to come up with an accurate idea on what topics to write about. This will be very helpful because it will make your task easier.The next step is to decide on the topic of the essay. This is the hardest part because you need to be able to decide on the main subject of the essay. After this, you can start writing the essay.Next, you have to adapt the rules set by the professor to make your essay stand out. This means that you need to make sure that the format of the essay is not complicated and is simple enough for your teacher to follow. This will also make the professor impressed with your ability to follow rules and format of the essay.Finally, you have to put the best content in your essay. It is crucial that you make your essay interesting, logical, and unique. Remember to follow these tips so that you will be able to improve your writing skills and achieve winning college essays.
Friday, July 3, 2020
UT College of Medicine Life Sciences Secondary Application Essay Tips
UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences offers an education that emphasizes the importance of treating patients as individuals and incorporating the latest research available in their training. After the first year, students have the opportunity to participate in paid summer research positions. Students complete clerkships during their third and fourth years with the option of serving patients abroad in the fourth year. Their mission statement is, â€Å"The mission of The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences is to improve health in the communities and region we serve. We do this by educating excellent clinicians and scientists, by providing patient centered and high-quality care and by producing nationally recognized research in focused area.†University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences 2018-19 Secondary Application Essay Questions: Applicants should use single-spacing and 12-point font. Secondaries are required. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #1 Briefly describe why you wish to attend medical school at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences. As part of this essay, please discuss, if applicable, any personal connection you may have to The University of Toledo, the UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences/former Medical College of Ohio, the city of Toledo, or the region of Northwest Ohio. (300 words) While this essay is short, it’s essential that you name specific reason why the school appeals to you. I recommend reviewing the school’s website and social media channels to choose two or three specific reasons why you want to attend the school. Then, provide credible and specific reasons why this makes you a good fit for the school, referring back to your experiences as you do so. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #2 Discuss any important aspects of your personal background, identity, or educational journey that you feel would give the Admissions Committee greater insight into your medical school application. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation to pursue a career in medicine. Examples might include: challenges you’ve overcome in accessing education; identification with a minority culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity; unique pathways to medical school application via professional employment, military service, family caregiving, and other circumstances. (700 words) In this essay, you want to provide information to allow the school to get to know you as a person without repeating the other secondary questions or the AMCAS personal statement section. Provide a narrative story that illustrates how you overcame a meaningful obstacle or how your identity or experience with diversity contributes to your interest in medicine. This is an appropriate place to discuss family or personal circumstances that make medicine a meaningful career choice for you. Avoid using this as a place to complain. Rather, focus on how you overcame the obstacle and how that process helped you mature and gave your journey to medicine meaning. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #3 One of the AAMC Core Competencies for entering medical students involves cultural competence: Demonstrates knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform ones own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and others; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Discuss a specific experience from your life that you feel demonstrates your cultural competence. (700 word limit) I recommend selecting an example in which you played an active role in alleviating language or cultural barriers. In this essay, you can highlight the interpersonal communication skills that you have and any additional languages that you speak. Effective examples would include translating for people who don’t speak the same language or communicating religious or cultural differences that could cause confusion for others. For example, a student from a Hmong or Laotian background who understands this community’s lack of trust for Western Medicine could describe how to they successfully helped organize and host free health clinics through a church in the community to provide health check-ups. There are many different examples that would fit well for this essay question. The key will be selecting one that demonstrates your level of awareness and sensitivity to others. If you would like professional guidance with your University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences application materials, check out Accepted’s Medical School Admissions Consulting and Editing Services, which include advising, editing, and interview coaching for the University of Toledo’s application materials. UCSF School of Medicine 2018-19 Application Timeline  AMCAS Applications Available  Early May  AMCAS Applications Due November 1 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; Jessica Pishko graduated with a J.D. from Harvard Law School and received an M.F.A. from Columbia University. She spent two years guiding students through the medical school application process at Columbia’s Postbac Program and is a former Accepted admissions consultant. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Essay Questions from Top Med Schools, a free guide †¢Ã‚ Secondary Application Tips: The Experts Speak †¢ Secondary Strategy: Why Do You Want to Go Here? UT College of Medicine Life Sciences Secondary Application Essay Tips UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences offers an education that emphasizes the importance of treating patients as individuals and incorporating the latest research available in their training. After the first year, students have the opportunity to participate in paid summer research positions. Students complete clerkships during their third and fourth years with the option of serving patients abroad in the fourth year. Their mission statement is, â€Å"The mission of The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences is to improve health in the communities and region we serve. We do this by educating excellent clinicians and scientists, by providing patient centered and high-quality care and by producing nationally recognized research in focused area.†University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences 2018-19 Secondary Application Essay Questions: Applicants should use single-spacing and 12-point font. Secondaries are required. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #1 Briefly describe why you wish to attend medical school at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences. As part of this essay, please discuss, if applicable, any personal connection you may have to The University of Toledo, the UT College of Medicine and Life Sciences/former Medical College of Ohio, the city of Toledo, or the region of Northwest Ohio. (300 words) While this essay is short, it’s essential that you name specific reason why the school appeals to you. I recommend reviewing the school’s website and social media channels to choose two or three specific reasons why you want to attend the school. Then, provide credible and specific reasons why this makes you a good fit for the school, referring back to your experiences as you do so. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #2 Discuss any important aspects of your personal background, identity, or educational journey that you feel would give the Admissions Committee greater insight into your medical school application. Briefly explain how such factors have influenced your motivation to pursue a career in medicine. Examples might include: challenges you’ve overcome in accessing education; identification with a minority culture, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity; unique pathways to medical school application via professional employment, military service, family caregiving, and other circumstances. (700 words) In this essay, you want to provide information to allow the school to get to know you as a person without repeating the other secondary questions or the AMCAS personal statement section. Provide a narrative story that illustrates how you overcame a meaningful obstacle or how your identity or experience with diversity contributes to your interest in medicine. This is an appropriate place to discuss family or personal circumstances that make medicine a meaningful career choice for you. Avoid using this as a place to complain. Rather, focus on how you overcame the obstacle and how that process helped you mature and gave your journey to medicine meaning. University of Toledo College of Medicine Essay #3 One of the AAMC Core Competencies for entering medical students involves cultural competence: Demonstrates knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform ones own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and others; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Discuss a specific experience from your life that you feel demonstrates your cultural competence. (700 word limit) I recommend selecting an example in which you played an active role in alleviating language or cultural barriers. In this essay, you can highlight the interpersonal communication skills that you have and any additional languages that you speak. Effective examples would include translating for people who don’t speak the same language or communicating religious or cultural differences that could cause confusion for others. For example, a student from a Hmong or Laotian background who understands this community’s lack of trust for Western Medicine could describe how to they successfully helped organize and host free health clinics through a church in the community to provide health check-ups. There are many different examples that would fit well for this essay question. The key will be selecting one that demonstrates your level of awareness and sensitivity to others. If you would like professional guidance with your University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences application materials, check out Accepted’s Medical School Admissions Consulting and Editing Services, which include advising, editing, and interview coaching for the University of Toledo’s application materials. UCSF School of Medicine 2018-19 Application Timeline  AMCAS Applications Available  Early May  AMCAS Applications Due November 1 ***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.*** ; Jessica Pishko graduated with a J.D. from Harvard Law School and received an M.F.A. from Columbia University. She spent two years guiding students through the medical school application process at Columbia’s Postbac Program and is a former Accepted admissions consultant. Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Essay Questions from Top Med Schools, a free guide †¢Ã‚ Secondary Application Tips: The Experts Speak †¢ Secondary Strategy: Why Do You Want to Go Here?
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Sigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology - 1356 Words
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist, also known as the founding father of Psychoanalysis. Freud discovered psychoanalysis by organizing ideas and information from different theories and clinical observations. Psychoanalysis is A method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating mental and emotional disorders that is based on the concepts and theories of Sigmund Freud, that emphasizes the importance of free association and dream analysis, and that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences and especially about early childhood and dreams (Merriam-Webster). From Freud’s psychoanalysis theories psychologists were given one possible insight as to how the conscious and unconscious mind works. Freud believed that there is a constant unconscious drive in humans to seek pleasure, which he called the libido. He argued that the human personality can be divided into three different parts which are the id, the ego and the superego. Freud established new methods to better understand the psychosexual development. He proposed that psychological development in childhood takes place in a series of five fixed stages, which include oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latent stage and genital state. Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Development Research Paper Psychosexual development is a central element of the psychoanalytic sexual drive theory, that human beings, from birth, possess an instinctual libido that develops inShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1222 Words  | 5 Pagesof Europe, an Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis named Sigmund Freud constructed an original approach to the understanding of human psychology. Prior to the founding of psychoanalysis, mental illness was thought to come from some kind of deterioration or disease rooted in the brain. The certitude that physical diseases of the brain induced mental illness signified that psychological origins were disregarded. Freud insisted on studying the topic hoping to change the way society thoughtRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1283 Words  | 6 PagesSigmund Freud (1856-1939), is a pioneer in the field of psychology in various ways. His dedication to his field helped shape the minds of many nineteen-century contemporary schools of thought. Most notably, Freud’s work in psychoanalytic theory, according to Tan (2011) earned him the title of, â€Å"father of psychoanalysis†(p. 322). Moreover, Tan Taykeyesu (2011) report that Freud’s genius is not just in psychoanalysis, but also when we â€Å"think Oedipus complex, infantile sexuality, and repression†Read MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology942 Words  | 4 PagesSigmund Freud continues to be the subject of conversation in the field of psychology. The conversations seem to lead to Freud versus another imperative person in the field, such as B.F. Skinner. According to Overskeid (2007) most research articles focus on the difference between the two. Here the author takes a different approach, looks at similarities within the psychanalysis dynamics. The two agreed upon human predicament that people are controlled by forces which they are not conscious (OverskeidRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1233 Words  | 5 Pages Sigmund Freud is the idealist that concepted the idea of verbal psychotherapy, Freudian Psychology. His theories of psychoanalysis are based upon understand the unconscious mind. His ideals portray that there are three key components that are responsible for a human beings personality. These compon ents include id, ego and superego. Freud s major contributions to todays society and study of psychology are his theories on the unconscious mind, dreams, libido, infantile sexuality, repression and transferenceRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1299 Words  | 6 Pagesand touch known as the â€Å"mesmeric pass†(Kirsch, 1995). Psychoanalysis was introduced by Sigmund Freud. Freud conceptualized the mind, metaphorically, as an ancient, buried ruin which had to been unearthed much like an archeologist would unearth the treasures of an ancient civilization. Freud s influence can be traced from his hard core natural science background as a student of neurology. Freud s version of psychoanalysis had its predecessor in the work with hysterics conducted by neurologistsRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay967 Words  | 4 PagesPsychoanalysis is an approach to psychology that was made well known as a way to bring for the unconscious to the conscious. It is theorized that the memories that we store in our unconscious affects us, and can cause neurotic behaviors. The approaches also include Analytical, Individual. Three people that worked on these theories are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. Each of these men approached psychoanalysis in both similar and individual ways, and have thei r own theories that will be furtherRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology And Psychology1073 Words  | 5 PagesLuwanna Perry Theories Counseling 06/27/2014 Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud is considered to be the most important figures in the field of psychiatry and psychology. His ideas about psychoanalysis were developed in the 1800’s but are still being used today in the mental health field ( Sigmund Freud was one of the pioneers/innovator of modern-day psychology. â€Å"As the originator of psychoanalysis, Freud distinguished himself as anRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1568 Words  | 7 Pages Freud Sigmund Yifan Wang Current issues in history Vanier College 2014-11-11 Freud Sigmund In the 19th century, people progressed toward a new era of scientific revolution with new inventions and technologies. Doctors find treatment to heal cancer and people lives longer than before. On the other hand, Freud Sigmund the Jewish psychiatrist offered a new cure to mental illness that individual suffers from (The European Graduate School, 2012). Although he may have the most of influenceRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay980 Words  | 4 PagesAt the start psychology was not a science; it was ‘made up’. In pre-historic age it was believed any behaviour that swayed from ‘the norm’ was due to demonic spirits possessing the brain. Advances in treatments and medicine, allow us to recognise how barbarous this belief was. The progress of these advances was clear by the opening of the first experimental laboratory in 1879 by Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt’s establishment of psychology as an academic discipline exaggerated how obsolete the pr evious wayRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay1215 Words  | 5 PagesSigmund Freud, originally a neurologist, is a well-known psychologist that developed the field of psychoanalytic psychology. Although he died in 1939 his theories and practices live on and many psychologists will still consult Freud’s ideas when faced with specific cases. Freud was a firm believer in the notion that sex and aggression is the root of motivation for all human behavior and many people agree with him, but one of his former collogues, Alfred Adler, would come to disagree with this idea
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Competitive Advantage Of Human Resources Essay
1. INTRODUCE In the fact of the intensely transitional business in the globe today, one of the challenges faced by the managers to maintain the competitive advantage is human resources. In others words, the globalisation, technology, and the economic integration of developed as well as emerging markets raise particular convenience and problems relating to human resources. To be more specific, on the one hand, the practice that the work force, the most valuable asset of any organisations (Cascio, Wayne F, 1991; Flamholtz, Eric, 1991), nowadays seem to be increasingly educated helps the employers make their best recruitment and guarantee the â€Å"sustainable cogwheel†(Glen Hashmi, Z., and Katrin Muff, 2014). However, in others hand, the well-informed and multinational human resources relating to the employees’ differing needs and expectations, compensation treatment, working environment, or corporate culture are also critical issues that required to be under control. This essay aims to define and analyse respectively three current and potential substantial challenges that HR managers cope with in meeting the miscellaneous requirements of the contemporary workforce including (key words) strategic partners, administrative experts, and employee champion. 2. STRATEGIC PARTNER Firstly, the strategic role of HR practitioners is defined as the professionals who are accountable for implementing a large range of organizational activities and allocating the appropriate humanShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management : A Competitive Advantage Essay1352 Words  | 6 PagesIV. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE â€Å"It allows a firm to gain an edge over rivals when competing. It comes from a firm’s ability to perform activities more distinctively and more effectively than rivals. †Competitive advantage refers to the ability of an organization to formulate strategies for the exploitation of opportunities that are to be presented in external environment. Liberalization created a hyper-competitive environment to respond to this turbulence, Indian organizationsRead MoreHuman Resource Management And Competitive Advantage1506 Words  | 7 Pages It is important for a company or organization to have competitive advantage in our constantly evolving world. Organizations must adapt to changes in the environment, technology, and the continuously changes in the demand of consumers. Competitive advantage by definition is â€Å"anything that a firm does especially well compared to rival firms†(David, 2012,p.8). Meaning that when the firm is capable of producing or doing anything that the competition cannot do, or even if it is something thatRead MoreWalmart s Human Resources Competitive Advantage1094 Words  | 5 PagesAssessment of Walmart’s H uman Resources Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage is basically market dominance. Since Walmart was founded in 1962, it has clearly been a force not to be reckoned with. For 53 years, Walmart has successfully established and maintained a competitive advantage over its rivals. One can define competitive advantage as what a company may offer, or may perform better, that its consumers hold dear but its rival competitors cannot compete. This is demonstrated throughRead MoreSouthwest Airlines: Using Human Resources for Competitive Advantage1445 Words  | 6 Pages Southwest Airlines: Using Human Resources for Competitive Advantage Executive Summary Southwest was founded in 1971 with a fleet of three Boeing 737 aircraft. Headquartered at Love Field in Dallas, the airline followed a strategy of low fares, few frills, and excellent customer service. Early on, the airline faced many political and regulatory challenges including the Wright Amendment, which prohibited the carrier from offering direct service into Love Field from any state other than TexasRead MoreSouthwest Airlines - Using Human Resources for Competitive Advantage648 Words  | 3 PagesAssignment Questions 1. What is Southwests competitive strategy? What are the sources of its success? How does it make money in this business? 2. What are the foundations of Southwests competitive advantage? Southwest Airlines successful and profitable business model has been driven by several strategies: high aircraft utilization; standard fleet; charismatic leadership; low fare carrier; excellent customer service practice; attractive frequent flier program; innovative and creative marketingRead Moreâ€Å"Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Human Resource Management†1830 Words  | 8 PagesThe benefit an organization realizes from human capital investment is directly proportional to the quality of its human resource strategy, processes and overall management. For our purposes, human capital is defined as individual, as well as collective, skills, talents, and capabilities. The outcomes of an organization’s HR processes are critical capabilities, like enhanced leadership, managerial competency, employee efficiency and proficiency, and workforce collaboration. HR management can be aRead MoreCourse Summary: Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage2306 W ords  | 10 PagesSummary Human Resource Management Chapters 1,2,4,5,6,16 Chapter 1: Gaining a Competitive Advantage * Competiveness ability to maintain share in industry (related to effectiveness) * Human Resource Management policies, practices, systems that influence employees’ behaviour, attitude and performance analysing and design of work, planning, recruiting, selection, training, compensation, performance management, employee relations * HRM practices should be strategic * HR has 3Read MoreHow Hr Contributes Towards Making Their Human Resources Into a Competitive Advantage2487 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction The scope of this essay is to critically evaluate why it is important for companies to make their human resources into a competitive advantage and how HR contributes towards this process. It was always feared that machines will replace the need for people at work. But in reality, it’s just the opposite. People are more important in today’s organizations than ever before. As Edward L. Gubman author of The Talent Solution, (cited in Bohlander et al, 2007, p.4) points out, â€Å"in many fast-growingRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management (Shrm): a Paradigm Shift for Achieving Sustained Competitive Advantage in Organization7616 Words  | 31 PagesEuroJournals, Inc. 2010 Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM): A Paradigm Shift for Achieving Sustained Competitive Advantage in Organization Benjamin James Inyang Department of Business Management, University of Calabar P.M.B. 1115 Calabar, Nigeria E-mail: Tel: +234 8033773403 Abstract The human resource of an organization offered the potential synergy for sustained competitive advantage, when properly deployed, maintained and utilized. FromRead MoreWhy Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is so important? How is human resource management (HRM) strategic to gain competitive advantage?2893 Words  | 12 PagesExecutive Summary Nowadays, Strategic Human Resource Management becomes very important for the organizations in the business world environment. The purpose of this assignment is about what the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is and why SHRM is so important? How is human resource management (HRM) strategic to a firms viability and how it might help to lay a basis for sustained competitive advantage? And what are the strategies for the managers to pursue their goals for labor productivity
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Black Silky Sheets - 1626 Words
Heidi, Heidi! I recognised the bouncy and young voice which accompanied the banging on the bedroom door. Dominique? What time is it? I stumbled out of the black silky sheets. I was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts that showed my bum so I grabbed my dressing gown out of my bag and threw it over my shoulders. Nicki was at the door when I opened it, she had a pink shoe box in her hands, It s just after ten. What size shoe are you? I was going to throw these away, but they re in perfect condition and they re gorgeous. I just don t fit in them, anymore. I m a UK size 5, sorry, I don t know what European size I am. It s alright, they re an EU 38, it says the British size on the bottom the shoes, too. I think that s a size†¦show more content†¦My legs and just my general body looked so much taller and thinner. I really liked them, I would have to thank Nicki as soon as I got downstairs. I put on some concealer under my eyes, some mascara and some pale face powder - just some basic make-up, because cosmetics can only fix an ugly face, not an ugly heart. I felt terrific that morning, I was in a beautiful place, with beautiful shoes, and the best part, my beautiful boyfriend. As for my hair, I just brushed it. Who even cared? Not me! I noticed something on the dresser, a round yellow bottle, I picked it up and read it. Citron Dimanche , I didn t have a clue what that meant, but it sounded pleasant. It was perfume. I knew I shouldn t have worn it, it wasn t mine, but a single spritz wouldn t hurt, would it? It smelt delicious; all fruity and lemony. I placed it back and the light coloured dressing table. The room s carpet was the colour of milk chocolate, the walls the colour of creamy white chocolate, and the freshly-washed bed-sheets were like dark Brazillian cocoa beans. There was a single large window in this long, thin, rectangular room, it was behind the double bed, and you could see the tops of buildings. I was so high up, but that was the way I liked it, just a mere reflection of how on top of the world I felt. I grabbed the coffee cup from my bedside table, it was the nice thing to do to take it down, I just got here, I wasn t ready to start making messes inShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Door1139 Words  | 5 Pageshassle. I sighed and entered the room. A black canopy bed with white curtains tied to each post stood at the far wall. In the corner, there was a tall dresser topped with decorative origami cranes. A black trimmed mirror was bolted to a closet door, revealing my reflection. I walked on the bare floor and looked at myself through the mirror. As expected, I was still the same girl. I still had ash colored hair and sunset colored eyes. I’m still wearing a black hoodie dress and teal checkered leggingsRead MoreA Short Story1111 Words  | 5 PagesAva got to work. The sheets came off the windows, leaving feeble, sheer, white curtains hanging from them. Light burst through the room. She opened the windows so fresh air flooded the room, catching the feather light curtains, blowing around her and suspending her in fresh serenity. A strong familiar scent came in from outside. She inhaled it until it was gone as quickly as it came, opening her eyes in bliss. Farthest away from the window’s light, against the discolored brick wall, lay one of theRead MoreSociology : Race And Ethnicity983 Words  | 4 Pagesthe other Spanish girls. Despite the fact that we did look alike skin tone wise, we had different hair texture. There s flowing down their back, silky, and easy to manage. Mine on the other hand, thick and almost always in braids or a ponytail because even the slightest hint of humidity would cause the Afro affect. 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A yellowed newspaper clipping states Game Warden wounded in gun battle. A black and white photograph of an old black couple is sitting in the windowsill, and a large black and white picture of a family reunion sits hangs on the wall. Near the desk are two chairs, where you can sit and talk to Grandma. Down the middle of the room are three wash stands. On the back oneRead MoreTo the End1346 Words  | 5 Pages I dug my toes into the silky, wet sand, marvelling at the texture that was both long forgotten and familiar. Many years had passed since I had last let my feet sink to the ankles in the ever shifting sand that swallowed feet and shells alike. Cool, smooth fingers slid between mine and I glanced up in surprise. 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What’s wrong wit’ you?†Laces grandmother placed her hand on her hip and waited. â€Å"Laces, don’t make me call yo’ black ass no mo’.†Running through the hall full of energy stood eight year old Laces. â€Å"I was coming grandma.†Ms. Janine looked at her and shook her head. â€Å"When I call you, you come. You don’t take your precious time. Do you hear me gal?†Laces shook her head before saying â€Å"Yes, ma’am.†Ms. Janine looked down at Laces andRead MorePuritan Punishment Essay1689 Words  | 7 Pagesnightstand and started spewing some weird shit, so weird that Jean got scared and split out the door in a panic, leaving me in the motel room alone, which freaked me out even more. I threw my knife under the sheets and ran out into the motel’s yard looking for her wearing only my full-length peach, silky nightgown. She had gone to the office to make a phone call and I ran screaming and pleading towards the office for her to come back, and not to leave, but all she did was yell back to me from the distanceRead More The Development of the Navajo Rug and Blanket Essay2439 Words  | 10 Pagesthem how to make. The crosspoles were made of sky and earth cords, the warp sticks of sun rays, the healds of rock crystal and sheet lightning. The batten was a sun halo, white shell made the comb. There were four spindles: one a stick of zigzag lightning with a whorl of cannel coal; one a stic k of flash lightning with a whorl of turquoise; a third had a stick of sheet lightning with a whorl of abalone; a rain streamer formed the stick of the fourth, and a whorl was white shell.†(7) Many Navajo
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Price Of A College Education - 3529 Words
The Price of a College Education: Tuition Discounting in Higher Education David Bryant Baruch College – The City University of New York The Price of a College Education: Tuition Discounting in Higher Education Offering a discount in college tuition has become a standard practice amongst private colleges and universities across the United States as a way of offsetting its published price of tuitionâ€â€the sticker priceâ€â€and aid from institutional grants and endowments for enrolling students. (Association of Governing Boards, 2014) This practice has become widely scrutinized as institutions employ a discount to their sticker price as a technique to control their enrollment to satisfy their own visions and preferences. This may not†¦show more content†¦The discount rate was 46.4 percent for first-year matriculated students in the fall of 2013 at campuses across the United States. According to NACUBO’s survey of 401 non-profit colleges, this demonstrates that tuition discounting is at an all time high, as this rate has increased from 44.8 percent in 2012 (Lapovsky, 2014). To demonstrate tuition discounting further, O’Shaughnessy (2011) describes how tuition discounting is employed and contends that most students and families are receiving some form of aid or discount: Here s an example of how tuition discounts work: Let s say the tuition is $40,000 and a student received the equivalent of a 49.1 percent price break. In this case, the student [received] a grant (free money) from the school for $19,640. Over four years, this award would be worth $78,560. That s hardly chicken feed. You shouldn t assume that only the students with the most stellar academic credentials get this money. According to the NACUBO study, nearly 88 percent of freshmen attending private schools received institutional grants, which is a historic high. I d hate to be among the 12 percent of freshmen who ended up empty-handed when the grants were being distributed. It is apparent that tuition discounting is a current ‘hot button’ issue in higher education today. And as such, it is necessary to explore this notion further. In so doing, this paper will explore the history of tuition discounting from
Gang Involvement Membership, Violence, Crime And...
Running head: GANGS: MEMBERSHIP, VIOLENCE/CRIME AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Gangs: Membership, Violence, Crime and Juvenile Delinquency By Dominique Dillon St. John’s University CRM 119 Dominique Dillon October 22nd 2014 Running head: GANGS: MEMBERSHIP, VIOLENCE/CRIME AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Annotated Bibliography Alleyne, Emma Wood, Jane L., (2011). Gang Involvement: Social and Environment Factors. Crime and Delinquency 60 (4) 547-568. Using the stereotypes of the American Culture, this study by Alleyne and Wood is based on Gang Involvement in a British setting. The study examines individual, social and environmental factors that can have an impact on gang-involved youths or non-gang involved youths. In order to find which factors play a role on involved/non-involved gang youth, the authors test for measure of individual delinquency, neighborhood gangs, parental management, commitment to school, and deviant peers. To help differentiate amongst the factors, the authors use a structural equation modeling, which provided the results in a statistical measure. Based off of the results, gang-involved youths were older than non-gang involved youths and that individual delinquency and neighborhood gangs predicted higher chances of gang involvement. The other factors of parental management, commitment to school and deviant peer pressure provided an indirect relationship to gang involvement. Coid, Jeremy et al. (2013). Gang Membership, Violence, andShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Are Committing Crime Everywhere Essay1625 Words  | 7 PagesDescription of the Research Topic Juveniles are committing crime everywhere, but the nation is not aware of the behavior behind these acts of delinquency. No matter how much focus there is on juveniles partaking in crimes across the states, there is little understanding on why they turn to crime and what are the factors that come into play to lead them down this path. Many external factors such as, the environment they live in, family, school, peer groups, and individual self-being can bring themRead MoreContributing Factors to Juvenile Delinquency1620 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile delinquency, according to Agnew and Brezina, is the violation of the law by a minor which is any persons under the age of 18 in most states. There are many contributing factors to juvenile delinquency such as domestic issues or stress at school, and there are also four different theories, strain, social learning, control, and labeling, to explain the different prospective of why it is thought that juveniles commence in delinquent behav ior. This particular discussion however, is going toRead MoreSummary : Youth Gang And Violence1615 Words  | 7 PagesIskuhi Kalantaryan Juvenile Delinquency Sunday, March 27, 2016 Analytic Essay Youth Gang and Violence Delinquent Behavior â€Å"Gang†â€Å"Youth Gang†and â€Å"Street Gang†are just labels used to describe young people consisting of three or more individuals organized to achieve a typical objective and who share a common identity. There is no single and universally accepted definition of gang, gang member and gang activities in the United States, howeverRead MoreGang Prevention and Juveniles1053 Words  | 5 PagesGangs are nothing new to American society, what is new and disturbing is the recent spike in juvenile crimes with reported ties to certain gangs. Youth gangs have been prevalent in schools in large cities since the 1970 s. However, they have become even more prevalent in schools in the recent past. 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Juveniles are the perfect targets to be recruited by gangs according to the National Gang Intelligence Center (2011). This is due to a variety of factors, many ofRead MoreJuvenile Offenders And Juvenile Delinquency1610 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile delinquency, also known as juvenile offending, is participation in illegal behavior by minors8. A juvenile delinquent in the United States is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were an adult. Depending on the type and severity of the offense committed, it is possible for persons under 18 to be charged and tried as adults. 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Street gangs join together for various reasons, such as to protect themselves from feared neighborhoodRead MoreEffective Tactics to Reduce Juvenile School Shootings Essay2779 Words  | 12 PagesWhen it comes to violent crimes, specifically murders and homicides, the American society tends to react in a sense that justice should be brought to the victim(s) by giving extensive punishment to the offender(s); this is assuming adults are the players of these specific violent crimes. However, if the tables are turned to juveniles, specifically involving schools, the reactions seem to change. Rather than feeling litt le empathy while depending on the justice system to carry out decisions expected
Worcester State University Exploring the Opportunities free essay sample
Worcester State University will give me the tools and resources that I need to reach my oils and become successful in any professional field that I wish to be part Of. From the times Ive visited Worcester State University, I found this institution as having a great environment with a dynamic student body, a superb academic faculty, and a supportive network that is there to assist and develop current students and graduates. This is a community that truly want to be part of. Being part of an institution, I am aware of the typical, daily life of a college student.Having to balance academic work, collaborating with clubs and organization, and creating relationship with my peers and academic administrators, I have learned that I truly enjoy being involved and occupied with interesting tasks that will help me develop my analytical, organization skills and overall help me discover new things about myself and others. We will write a custom essay sample on Worcester State University: Exploring the Opportunities or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The relationships that build with my peers makes me not just a well rounded individual, but a stronger person who is willing to listen, observe, and understand new ideas and academic materials.When a task is presented to me, look for different ways to approach them and find a solution. In my experience in both the academic world and in the professional, I have learned that being successful requires one to look at wings from a different perspective to find not just one solution, but several. I admire those who think that way, and as a result, those who do, are successful in the professional setting.Because I observe anything that can help me succeed in life, I even examine the way successful individuals talk, how they carry themselves amongst others, and how they engage with a team when trying to solve an issue. All of this inspires me to work on my own identity so that people can remember me for how different I am and how accomplished my goals. In Worcester State University, I am hoping to find the challenges and tasks I deed to take on to become not just a better person, but a great professional in the filed of business. Understand that it takes more than just an average person to become successful.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Shakespeare present Essay Example For Students
Shakespeare present Essay Ambition is not the same as happiness, and happiness is not the ultimate goal in The Tempest. For Prospero, his ultimate ambition is to become Duke of Milan again after being usurped by his brother Antonio. Ambition should be directed towards a concept of duty and selflessness, yet once becoming ruler of the island, Prospero takes advantage of his authoritative status over the inhabitants. However, it could be argued that Prosperos authority is threatened by Caliban. He is well aware that Caliban is the rightful ruler of the island yet Prospero has something Caliban does not the power of knowledge. This magic allows Prospero to imprison Caliban and to use him as a slave. Prospero, whilst telling Miranda how they came upon the island does so using very balanced speech, in care of thee, of thee my dear one Almost as if he had rehearsed this speech, the repetition, the balanced wording and the pauses, orchestrated by the use of commas, which supports this theory that he knew exactly what he was going to say, he simply wasnt having a spontaneous conversation. Prospero also demonstrates a great understanding of himself, the use of better, greater, master show that in Prosperos mind, his Dukedom is to the fore of his thoughts, and he continually returns to this idea of reclaiming his rightful place as Duke of Milan. When Miranda and Ferdinand fall for one another, they believe it was out of their own free will. However it was Prospero who devised their meeting. He allowed Ferdinand to be stranded away from everyone else after the shipwreck enabling him to think that his companions had drowned. Prospero knew that upon seeing Ferdinand, Miranda would fall for him, A thing divine, for nothing natural I ever saw so noble. Yet Prospero began manipulating Ferdinand from the outset, he deliberately showed a disapproval of their love, knowing that in the end Miranda would rebel against him. and hast put thyself upon this island as a spy, to win it from me, the lord ont, (speaking to Ferdinand.) His plan works, although he makes it apparent that Ferdinand has to earn her hand in marriage. He even makes a comparison of him with Caliban, To the most of men, this is a Caliban Of course he wouldnt dare allow Miranda to marry Caliban, he thinks of him as a freckled whelp, hag-born. However it could also be argued that Prospero is placing Mirandas future above his own, his duty as a father in that sense takes priority. He allows another man to court her. Ferdinand is the heir to the throne of Naples; he is of a suitable rank for Miranda, which was important to the social hierarchy at the time. So, once they return to Italy her title, through marriage, will be as great, if not greater than Prosperos. Also, in a dynastic sense, it brings Milan and Naples together. Prosperos ambition for Italy is therefore realised through Miranda. Still, Prosperos desire in reality is to return to his duty as Duke of Milan. He would delight in reading his books but he cannot, because he has to fulfil the role that he was born to; that is, reclaiming his birthright. Because of that he puts his duty above personal happiness. A most auspicious star, whose influence if I now court not, but omit, my fortunes will ever after droop He is saying that if he doesnt act soon he could never regain his Dukedom and the auspicious star, or the Gods, would, effectively, punish him for that. It was fate that brought his enemies to his shore and he must succumb to it and reclaim his birthright. .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .postImageUrl , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:hover , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:visited , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:active { border:0!important; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:active , .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17c7e6fb983fcfb9442bc1b4cd6ec22b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: William Shakespeare, the world's most famous playwright, Romeo and Juliet EssayTo begin with Prospero treats Caliban fairly, he taught him about his own culture and how to speak a new language. Yet when Caliban tried to rape Miranda, Thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child Prospero curses him by giving him aches and pains, side-stitches that shall pen thy breath up. As he knows that he can no longer trust him, and giving him duties to carry out through which the pain would only get worse if he does not fulfil them. Nevertheless from Calibans viewpoint he simply wished to populate his beloved island, thou didst prevent me, I had peopled else this isle with Calibans. As Miranda was the only woman or mate he saw her as his chance and therefore he does not regret it. Therefore Calibans ambition is to be free of Prosperos command, and rightfully take his island back, This islands mine, by Sycorax my mother, which thou takst from me Caliban is in service to Prospero begrudgingly and he does make his feelings shown, yet he realises that there is a great risk from arguing with Prospero as he has more power than Caliban could ever own, I must obey: his Art is of such powr Caliban is so badly affected by Prosperos treatment of him that he is easily persuaded to plot against him alongside Trinculo and Stephano, Ill yield him thee asleep, where thou mayst knock a nail into his head. Caliban understandably wants the island back, which is a sensible ambition. Yet by wanting to kill Prospero he appears unrealistic even if it were reasonable, as he should not desire to overthrow a person who is more powerful than his self. It is obvious to the reader that Caliban is the only character who sees the island for its natural beauty; he speaks in appreciative poetry and uses repetitive imagery of the surrounding habitat showing that he understands its true splendour, the isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt notand then, in dreaming, the clouds methought would open, and show riches ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to dream again. Calibans ambitions are simple ones, no hidden agendas or deceiving thoughts, and contrast greatly to the likes of Trinculo and Stephano for instance. Trinculo and Stephano immediately think of profiting out of Caliban when they first meet him, he smells like a fishwere I in England, not a holiday fool there would give a piece of silver. If I can recover him and keep him tame, hes a present for any Emperor. This shows that they do not think of Caliban as a human being, simply a means to make a profit. They wish to exhibit this strange new creature or sell him off both are corrupt thoughts.
Friday, April 17, 2020
What Is a Common App For Essays?
What Is a Common App For Essays?Some people don't really understand what a transfer essay sample is. I thought I would share a little bit of information about a common app that is used for this type of essay and how it can help you in your writing process.Writing an essay is no different than writing any other type of assignment. You will need to understand the techniques that are required for writing an essay and putting it all together. The common app that is used for transfer essays can be a huge help to those who don't have experience writing essays on paper. It is also a great tool for those who feel like they may have trouble applying their skills and writing essays on paper.You may feel as though you are struggling with your essay, but then again, you may not. The common app for essays is something that can help you with that. You can use it while you are writing your essay. You will then know what you are doing and what to look for during the writing process.Essays have been one of the most difficult parts of high school and college writing. After all, theses are the hardest part of an assignment. Your mind can start to go haywire when you are trying to write an essay, and it can seem impossible.When you look at the common app for essays, you will see that there are many different types. You will find that you can use these types to help you get through your essay. If you have difficulty writing essays on paper, you may want to use this app while you are writing your essay.Most of the common app for essays are for essay writing. These apps are designed to help you work on the grammar and content of your essay. There are many different types of topics that you can use for this type of essay.Essays on history and current events are always a good example of an essay that can be difficult to write. This is because writing history is not always easy. You have to go over the facts and figure out the proper facts to include in your essay.There are also some es say topics that involve current events. These can be difficult, but they can also be fun. Using the common app for essays can help you to see the errors you make and the mistakes you can avoid when you are writing an essay.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Lobby free essay sample
The idea behind this project is to design a lobby of a first class hotel of 200 rooms and therefore we decided to create a virtual hotel. Good planning and coordination was important for the work to realize. It took us a lot of time to design our lobby and for that we had to do a lot of research work in order to have the necessary information to make a good lobby. 1. The objectives of the architect 1- To cluster the public facilities- restaurants, lounges, conference rooms, front desk and so forth around the lobby, ensuring hotel guests can find the various facilities with a minimum difficulty. 2- Also when guests linger in it, the lobby in it, the lobby serves as an informal gathering space. It also functions as a control point with the staff visually over seeing access throughout the building. 3- Provide clear path to front desk, food and beverage, reservation, public relation officer through the lobby. We will write a custom essay sample on Lobby or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4- Make the front desk visible to entering guests. It should have sufficient space for check in / check out lines and have direct access to the front office. [pic] 2. 0 Profile of our hotel Le Royal Hotel is set on a superb location, tucked between Le Morne Mountain and one of Mauritius’ most beautiful beaches. It stretches itself on the spectacular Le Morne Peninsula, on the South-West tip of the island. This luxury hotel covers an impressive 150-hectare, bordered by 7 km of protected beaches and the largest lagoon of Mauritius. With a name that says it all, Le Royal Hotel positions itself as the ultimate 5-star resort in Mauritius. It offers 2 Spas and a total of 7 superb restaurants, with different cuisines and characteristics. The hotel also boasts a stylish collection of high-quality accommodation, including Junior and Senior Suites and 13 luxury seaside Villas featuring their private beaches. Le Royal Hotel also proposes a comprehensive array of land and water sports including diving and deep-sea fishing. [pic] 3. 0 What is a lobby? Every hotel, regardless of its size, must have a public lobby. The size of the lobby is largely determined by the number of guest rooms as well as by the type of hotel that is on the architect’s drawing boards. It goes without saying that the larger the hotel, the larger the lobby. The lobby will also have to be larger in a resort or convenient hotel. A resort hotel will require a large lobby because guests will congregate there in the evening. A hotel catering to conventions needs a large lobby because here again there is a constant gathering of conventioneers before they go off to lectures, seminars, meetings, luncheons, and dinners. There is no rule of thumb to determine the size of a lobby. One must proceed by making a careful study of similar types of hotels and arrive at decisions after discussions with hotel operators and managers. A hotel lobby sets the mood for a hotel. This space, more than any other, will create the first and usually the most lasting impression. Furnishings, color, finishing materials, lighting, and decor must create the proper ambience regardless of whether the hotel is large or small, in a city or a resort, moderately priced or expensive. The interior designer plays a most vital part in planning and designing hotel lobbies. [pic] 4. 0 Plan of the lobby [pic] 5. 0 The functional areas of the lobby; 5. 1 Cyber Cafe There would be a cyber cafe located near the main restaurant. The guests will have access to the computers and Internet access is also available. The room is also composed with a fax a telecopy service that can help the guests from time to time. [pic] 5. 2 Luggage Room It is where we put the cases and the belongings of the guests after their arrival to the hotel. The baggages will be put there and shortly after that the guests have completed the formalities it will be out to the respective guests’ rooms. The luggage compartment is not so big; it occupies a small space only. [pic] 5. 3 Lounge It is the sitting area. The lounge is near the front office and face to the main entrance. It is divided into two sections where the guests and employees can provide services to the latter more easily. The lounge is also composed with some plants just to give a sense of relaxation in the hotel. [pic] 5. 4 The back offices The back offices are mainly composed of the Sales Marketing department, the Reservation office department, Administration department and the Front Office department. All these departments are located at the back of the Front Office found in the lobby. There will be a corridor with the door for staff entrance close to the Front Office desk. The guests won’t have access to the back of the house area of the hotel. [pic] 5. 5 Main Entrance The main entrance of the lobby will have a width of approximately 5-6 meters where it will make circulation a lot more comfortable. The main entrance has also been built by taking into consideration disable persons; a special floor is made available to those people. [pic] 5. 6 Administration office Office Administration is a set of day-to-day activities related to financial planning, billing and recordkeeping, personnel, and physical distribution and logistics, within a business. Administrative functions Administrators, broadly speaking, engage in a common set of functions to meet the organizations goals. †¢ Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. It maps the path from where the organization is to where it wants to be. The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order. Administrators engage in both short-range and long-range planning. †¢ Organizing involves identifying responsibilities to be performed, grouping responsibilities into departments or divisions, and specifying organizational relationships. The purpose is to achieve coordinated effort among all the elements in the organization. Organizing must take into account delegation of authority and responsibility and span of control within supervisory units. †¢ Staffing means filling job positions with the right people at the right time. It involves determining staffing needs, writing job descriptions, recruiting and screening people to fill the positions. †¢ Directing is leading people in a manner that achieves the goals of the organization. This involves proper allocation of resources and providing an effective support system. Directing requires exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate people. One of the crucial issues in directing is to find the correct balance between emphasis on staff needs and emphasis on production. †¢ Controlling is the function that evaluates quality in all areas and detects potential or actual deviations from the organizations plan. This functions purpose is to ensure high-quality performance and satisfactory results while maintaining an orderly and problem-free environment. Controlling includes information management, measurement of performance, and institution of corrective actions. Budgeting, exempted from the list above, incorporates most of the administrative functions, beginning with the implementation of a budget plan through the application of budget controls. 5. 7 Lifts Lifts are expensive. They should be wider than they are deep to facilitate entry. Tough surfaces are required to resist damage by baggage. The main lift bank must be visible on ente ring the reception area. Specialist design of the lift system may be necessary. Additional service lifts may also be required for housekeeping and room service. There are often one or two service lifts to every three guests’ lifts, and these open onto service lobbies on each floor. At least one lift should be large enough to take furniture such as bed or bath, or a stretcher case as accidents and illness occur in hotels, and it may be preferable not to use the public areas in such event. [pic] 5. 8 Stairs Staircase design is dictated by fire escape requirements. The main stairs should be beside the lift bank to enable guests to find them easily, with secondary stairs at the end of each corridor. Some ramps may be required for guests using wheelchairs. [pic] 5. 9 Concierge The concierge counter is located at the right of the entrance. The counter is normally occupied by one person; therefore there is no need for a large desk. The concierge counter has drawers for keys, message indicator panels, and the wake up system, brochure holders, and the stationery drawer. A concierge is somebody who works at the concierge counter and very often has great contacts and can make things happen that the guest might not be able to do. For example, if the guest needs theater tickets, or if the guest needs a reservation at an exclusive restaurant, often a hotel concierge can use his or her contacts and make those things happen. They can also do some fairly ordinary things too, for example, helping the guest print out a boarding pass or helping the guest with flight arrangements, but theyre great at doing things that just seem impossible. In a nutshell, the concierge is there to satisfy the needs of the guest. [pic] 5. 10 The public relation counter The public relation counter is located at the left of the entrance. This enables the guest relation officers to quickly reach the guests as they enter the lobby and this facilitates the work of both the public relation officers and the guests. The public relation counter is enhanced with lightings and plants. This counter has been set up so as the queries of the guests can be satisfied. The public relation officer can be asked to organize a wedding, therefore he has to make suitable arrangements concerning the wedding and if additional requirement is needed. [pic] 5. 11 Reception Reception areas should provide a clear introduction to the building, with straightforward unobstructed routes to the enquiry desk, lift, stairs and waiting area. A screened telephone point is helpful, especially in buildings where visitors will need to call taxis or waiting colleagues. The reception of our hotel is located at the right of the entrance. The reception is enhanced by lightings and this contributes to the esthetics aspects of the reception. The reception desk is large enough so as to be able to accommodate the different working stationeries and office tools; the computer, printer, credit/debit card transactions, telephones. There is enough space at the reception to allow paper work to be carried out comfortably, to cater many guests at a time and to allow the employees to move comfortably. [pic] 5. 12 The Water Fountain For most consumers, indoor fountains are decorative water features that simply look good as lifestyle furnishing items in traditional or contemporary homes. The benefit of flowing water is maintaining a balanced, healthy and serene environment. Given that they moisturize the atmosphere in air-conditioned rooms or buildings, relieve stress in pressured lives and are a powerful form of relaxation therapy for hyperactive children, insomniacs, and those living with noisy neighbors or busy roads Water features add an element of natural energy and serenity to any environment. Fountains designers and their clients are increasingly choosing water features as a compelling, cost effective way to distinguish and differentiate their work and home environment. [pic] 5. 13 Information desk The information desk is located at the left of the entrance. This is the desk where the different tour operators would be present and allowing them to be within the reach of the guests. Tourists can get different magazines from which they can get information about the hotel’s surroundings and some places of interest. The tour operators can guide them whenever they have any problems or questions pic] 5. 14 The Main Restaurant â€Å"La Belle Vue†is the main restaurant of the hotel. The name of the restaurant has been chosen in relation to its location which faces the sea. Guests have the opportunity to admire the blue lagoon every time they are having their meal. The atrium area is treated casually, with brick paving and tables with cloth runners in a low-ceilinged interior space. The intermediate zone is more formal, and the â€Å"interior section includes leather banquettes, table linen, lower lighting levels and such additional accessories such as artwork. It is also an exhibition cooking area where the chef is visible. Guests like to see who is preparing their meals. This design also brings chefs out of the kitchen. The restaurant will offer different moods for breakfast or dinner, for family groups or couples and for informal meals or special-occasion dinners. [pic] 5. 15 The Main Bar The â€Å"Skipper’s Deck†is the main bar of the hotel. It is close to the main restaurant as it provides easy accessibility to guests. The bar is very spacious with seating all around it and can accommodate around 75 guests. The bar also faces the sea and guests are able to admire the seaside as well as the sunset in the evening. A variety of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks are made available to guests. There are the classic cocktails as well as the exotic ones prepared by the barman. The bar is in an open space which makes it really accessible to guests who can spend their day relaxing there. There is also a corner where artists make their representations at night to improve the overall atmosphere. [pic] 5. 16 Tourist shops Tourist shops provide a space where guests can do their shopping with souvenirs, clothes, artifacts†¦ at hand. In the tourist shops, one can have Mauritian handicrafts and souvenirs and also the guests have access to useful stationary that can be use to send post cards to relatives and friends during their holidays. [pic] 5. 17 The Patio Patios are typically made of concrete or stone slabs laid over a firm base. This base is often formed of a layer of compacted hardcore, a layer of sharp sand, and a layer of cement mortar. The firmness and stability of the base is essential to the robustness of the top layer of slabs an infirm base will typically result in cracked slabs. Patios that hold a lot of weight, such as driveways, require stronger foundations than those that are designed for light use. A patio is an outdoor space generally used for dining or recreation that often adjoins a residence. The patio of our hotel is found near the main bar and is on a terrace from which the guests can have a sea-side view. For the decoration we have covered the concrete floor with teak wood. The guests can relax and have their food in the open area. [pic] 5. 18 The Coffee shop Coffee shops focus on providing coffee and tea as well as light snacks. The coffee shop is mainly used by tourists who are both waiting to check in or check out and is available on a 24hr basis. The coffee shop provides a rapid service and it can be used as a place for relaxation. [pic] 6. 0 Materials and decorations The materials which have been used in the designing of the lobby have been meticulously chosen. The materials are durable and particularly esthetic for the lobby. They have also been chosen in accordance with the theme of the hotel which is a tropical style. Durable materials are indeed very costly but however, they can resist and maintain them with the high traffic, impact and scrapping. Tropical style Tropical chic is one of the most popular looks today. It includes comfort, warmth, and a touch of the exotic, using jungle themes, restful colors, and natural textural elements. Its a style that has fresh appeal with touches of traditional. This is not the multi-colored jungle look you might choose for a childs room. It mixes lots of texture and intricate pattern with simple details and a few large accessories. Common motifs include stylized palm trees, large leafed banana plants, monkeys, animal prints, rattan, leather, and grass cloth. Here are some of the underlying elements and themes of a tropical look of our lobby. Colors This tropical palette is influenced by palm trees and sunny skies. Other palettes may include brighter hues reflecting the culture and history of the region. A Balinese interior will have deeper, richer colors. Furniture and Finishes Exotic hardwoods like teak, rosewood and â€Å"koa†are used for furniture. Natural materials like cane, sea grass, water hyacinth, banana leaf and rattan are woven to form chairs, sofas and tables and a myriad of accents. Fabrics Look for prints that feature palm trees and their far-reaching fronds and tropical plants with vivid, beautiful blooms like hibiscus, anthurium, orchid and Bird of Paradise. For a more refined look incorporate Thai silks and floral-printed linen. Art and Accessories Look to the beach for inspiration and find ways to incorporate them into the room. Tropical plants set in wicker planters, shells displayed in jars or shadow boxes and baskets, mats and rugs made of natural materials like rattan and sea grass will all infuse the room with a warm-weather attitude. [pic][pic][pic] The Roof The roof is critically important part of any building. The roof of our lobby is water proof because if water gains access to the building through the roof system great damage can result, first to the roof and later to the structural elements of the building. Our roof is made up of wood and is partly transparent. The roof life expectancy depends on the quality of the construction material. Since the roof is partly transparent, we can save on electricity as during the day we can get natural light to lighten the lobby. The general circulation layout should facilitate movement and, as far as ossible, provide for the separation of guests, staff and maintenance personnel. This is not just to avoid disturbing the guests, but also to enable efficient servicing. Separate the circulation of resident and non-resident guests; for instance, by providing direct access to restaurants, conference rooms and banqueting halls. This avoids congestion in the main reception area and gives better control and supervision. Circulation in public spaces should wherever possible be through areas of other use such as lounges or shopping areas, or have special use, such as lobbies. . 0 Safety and security Safety and security should be one of the hotel’s main concerns. At Le Royal Hotel, safety and security of its guests is seriously considered and steps are taken to make sure that their stay is as safe as possible. The lobby of Le Royal Hotel is safe and secures enough in order to operate. Safety involves avoiding tho se causes of injury and damage that we might call accidental slips and falls, cuts, burns, and other personal injuries and property damage. Security Guards-Most hotels do not have security guards while some employ them only at night. At the hotel, we have our own staff of trained security guards working 24-hours every day to provide the best in safety and security for our guests. Defibrillation Units-A life saving devise in case of heart attacks, defibrillation units are starting to be deployed among police and emergency personnel across the nation. At the hotel, we maintain 2 defibrillation units (one in the water park and one in the hotel lobby) along with trained staff to allow us to respond immediately to anyone who might have the need while waiting for emergency personnel to arrive. Security Cameras-At the hotel, we cover and record nearly all of our common areas, the parking lot, exercise room, lobby guest hallways, and other areas with security cameras monitored 24 hours, seven days a week, by our security staff to ensure guest safety. Fire Alarms-While most hotels now have smoke detectors and fire alarms, the hotel has a state of the art alarm system with smoke detectors in the lobby and throughout the entire hotel that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days per week that pinpoints the exact point of the alarm allowing our security staff to respond immediately to the area of any alarm condition. Emergency Power-Very few hotels have any provision for emergency power in case of an electrical outage while a few hotels provide limited emergency stand-by power to provide elevator service and some lighting. The hotel has a 2-Megawatt stand-by generator that provides 100% emergency power to the entire complex making it the only Hotel in the State that can provide uninterrupted guest service during a power outage. Employee Photo ID-For added security, each employee of the hotel wears a photo ID nametag allowing quick identification. . 0 Hazard Signs So as to avoid accidents, signs have been placed in the lobby. Signs are important in any establishment, whatever the nature of the organization. Signs are important for preventing danger and optimizing both the personnel’s and the guest’s safety. For this purpose, there have been many signs indicating measure to be taken as well as warning signs. The signs are placed in areas of the lobby where the guests and employees can easily see them. Some of the signs that are included in the lobby are found below. pic] [pic] [pic] 10. 0 Conclusion It is often said that the first impression is always the last impression. Any guests entering the hotel must have a satisfied feeling. In other words, if the guests are happy with the hotel environment we can be sure of having a satisfied guest with a nice stay. While designing our lobby we have take n into consideration appropriate esthetics and safety and security elements. They cannot be foregone as it is them which will determine the success and failure of the hotel. Lobby free essay sample The objectives of the architect 1- To cluster the public facilities- restaurants, lounges, conference rooms, front desk and so forth around the lobby, ensuring hotel guests can find the various facilities with a minimum difficulty. 2- Also when guests linger in it, the lobby in it, the lobby serves as an informal gathering space. It also functions as a control point with the staff visually over seeing access throughout the building. 3- Provide clear path to front desk, food and beverage, reservation, public relation officer through the lobby. 4- Make the front desk visible to entering guests. It should have sufficient space for check in / check out lines and have direct access to the front office. [pic] 2. 0 Profile of our hotel Le Royal Hotel is set on a superb location, tucked between Le Morne Mountain and one of Mauritius’ most beautiful beaches. It stretches itself on the spectacular Le Morne Peninsula, on the South-West tip of the island. We will write a custom essay sample on Lobby or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This luxury hotel covers an impressive 150-hectare, bordered by 7 km of protected beaches and the largest lagoon of Mauritius. With a name that says it all, Le Royal Hotel positions itself as the ultimate 5-star resort in Mauritius. It offers 2 Spas and a total of 7 superb restaurants, with different cuisines and characteristics. The hotel also boasts a stylish collection of high-quality accommodation, including Junior and Senior Suites and 13 luxury seaside Villas featuring their private beaches. Le Royal Hotel also proposes a comprehensive array of land and water sports including diving and deep-sea fishing. [pic] 3. 0 What is a lobby? Every hotel, regardless of its size, must have a public lobby. The size of the lobby is largely determined by the number of guest rooms as well as by the type of hotel that is on the architect’s drawing boards. It goes without saying that the larger the hotel, the larger the lobby. The lobby will also have to be larger in a resort or convenient hotel. A resort hotel will require a large lobby because guests will congregate there in the evening. A hotel catering to conventions needs a large lobby because here again there is a constant gathering of conventioneers before they go off to lectures, seminars, meetings, luncheons, and dinners. There is no rule of thumb to determine the size of a lobby. One must proceed by making a careful study of similar types of hotels and arrive at decisions after discussions with hotel operators and managers. A hotel lobby sets the mood for a hotel. This space, more than any other, will create the first and usually the most lasting impression. Furnishings, color, finishing materials, lighting, and decor must create the proper ambience regardless of whether the hotel is large or small, in a city or a resort, moderately priced or expensive. The interior designer plays a most vital part in planning and designing hotel lobbies. [pic] 4. 0 Plan of the lobby [pic] 5. 0 The functional areas of the lobby; 5. 1 Cyber Cafe There would be a cyber cafe located near the main restaurant. The guests will have access to the computers and Internet access is also available. The room is also composed with a fax a telecopy service that can help the guests from time to time. [pic] 5. 2 Luggage Room It is where we put the cases and the belongings of the guests after their arrival to the hotel. The baggages will be put there and shortly after that the guests have completed the formalities it will be out to the respective guests’ rooms. The luggage compartment is not so big; it occupies a small space only. [pic] 5. 3 Lounge It is the sitting area. The lounge is near the front office and face to the main entrance. It is divided into two sections where the guests and employees can provide services to the latter more easily. The lounge is also composed with some plants just to give a sense of relaxation in the hotel. [pic] 5. 4 The back offices The back offices are mainly composed of the Sales Marketing department, the Reservation office department, Administration department and the Front Office department. All these departments are located at the back of the Front Office found in the lobby. There will be a corridor with the door for staff entrance close to the Front Office desk. The guests won’t have access to the back of the house area of the hotel. [pic] 5. 5 Main Entrance The main entrance of the lobby will have a width of approximately 5-6 meters where it will make circulation a lot more comfortable. The main entrance has also been built by taking into consideration disable persons; a special floor is made available to those people. [pic] 5. 6 Administration office Office Administration is a set of day-to-day activities related to financial planning, billing and recordkeeping, personnel, and physical distribution and logistics, within a business. Administrative functions Administrators, broadly speaking, engage in a common set of functions to meet the organizations goals. †¢ Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. It maps the path from where the organization is to where it wants to be. The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order. Administrators engage in both short-range and long-range planning. †¢ Organizing involves identifying responsibilities to be performed, grouping responsibilities into departments or divisions, and specifying organizational relationships. The purpose is to achieve coordinated effort among all the elements in the organization. Organizing must take into account delegation of authority and responsibility and span of control within supervisory units. †¢ Staffing means filling job positions with the right people at the right time. It involves determining staffing needs, writing job descriptions, recruiting and screening people to fill the positions. †¢ Directing is leading people in a manner that achieves the goals of the organization. This involves proper allocation of resources and providing an effective support system. Directing requires exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to motivate people. One of the crucial issues in directing is to find the correct balance between emphasis on staff needs and emphasis on production. †¢ Controlling is the function that evaluates quality in all areas and detects potential or actual deviations from the organizations plan. This functions purpose is to ensure high-quality performance and satisfactory results while maintaining an orderly and problem-free environment. Controlling includes information management, measurement of performance, and institution of corrective actions. Budgeting, exempted from the list above, incorporates most of the administrative functions, beginning with the implementation of a budget plan through the application of budget controls. 5. 7 Lifts Lifts are expensive. They should be wider than they are deep to facilitate entry. Tough surfaces are required to resist damage by baggage. The main lift bank must be visible on ente ring the reception area. Specialist design of the lift system may be necessary. Additional service lifts may also be required for housekeeping and room service. There are often one or two service lifts to every three guests’ lifts, and these open onto service lobbies on each floor. At least one lift should be large enough to take furniture such as bed or bath, or a stretcher case as accidents and illness occur in hotels, and it may be preferable not to use the public areas in such event. [pic] 5. 8 Stairs Staircase design is dictated by fire escape requirements. The main stairs should be beside the lift bank to enable guests to find them easily, with secondary stairs at the end of each corridor. Some ramps may be required for guests using wheelchairs. [pic] 5. 9 Concierge The concierge counter is located at the right of the entrance. The counter is normally occupied by one person; therefore there is no need for a large desk. The concierge counter has drawers for keys, message indicator panels, and the wake up system, brochure holders, and the stationery drawer. A concierge is somebody who works at the concierge counter and very often has great contacts and can make things happen that the guest might not be able to do. For example, if the guest needs theater tickets, or if the guest needs a reservation at an exclusive restaurant, often a hotel concierge can use his or her contacts and make those things happen. They can also do some fairly ordinary things too, for example, helping the guest print out a boarding pass or helping the guest with flight arrangements, but theyre great at doing things that just seem impossible. In a nutshell, the concierge is there to satisfy the needs of the guest. [pic] 5. 10 The public relation counter The public relation counter is located at the left of the entrance. This enables the guest relation officers to quickly reach the guests as they enter the lobby and this facilitates the work of both the public relation officers and the guests. The public relation counter is enhanced with lightings and plants. This counter has been set up so as the queries of the guests can be satisfied. The public relation officer can be asked to organize a wedding, therefore he has to make suitable arrangements concerning the wedding and if additional requirement is needed. [pic] 5. 11 Reception Reception areas should provide a clear introduction to the building, with straightforward unobstructed routes to the enquiry desk, lift, stairs and waiting area. A screened telephone point is helpful, especially in buildings where visitors will need to call taxis or waiting colleagues. The reception of our hotel is located at the right of the entrance. The reception is enhanced by lightings and this contributes to the esthetics aspects of the reception. The reception desk is large enough so as to be able to accommodate the different working stationeries and office tools; the computer, printer, credit/debit card transactions, telephones. There is enough space at the reception to allow paper work to be carried out comfortably, to cater many guests at a time and to allow the employees to move comfortably. [pic] 5. 12 The Water Fountain For most consumers, indoor fountains are decorative water features that simply look good as lifestyle furnishing items in traditional or contemporary homes. The benefit of flowing water is maintaining a balanced, healthy and serene environment. Given that they moisturize the atmosphere in air-conditioned rooms or buildings, relieve stress in pressured lives and are a powerful form of relaxation therapy for hyperactive children, insomniacs, and those living with noisy neighbors or busy roads Water features add an element of natural energy and serenity to any environment. Fountains designers and their clients are increasingly choosing water features as a compelling, cost effective way to distinguish and differentiate their work and home environment. [pic] 5. 13 Information desk The information desk is located at the left of the entrance. This is the desk where the different tour operators would be present and allowing them to be within the reach of the guests. Tourists can get different magazines from which they can get information about the hotel’s surroundings and some places of interest. The tour operators can guide them whenever they have any problems or questions pic] 5. 14 The Main Restaurant â€Å"La Belle Vue†is the main restaurant of the hotel. The name of the restaurant has been chosen in relation to its location which faces the sea. Guests have the opportunity to admire the blue lagoon every time they are having their meal. The atrium area is treated casually, with brick paving and tables with cloth runners in a low-ceilinged interior space. The intermediate zone is more formal, and the â€Å"interior section includes leather banquettes, table linen, lower lighting levels and such additional accessories such as artwork. It is also an exhibition cooking area where the chef is visible. Guests like to see who is preparing their meals. This design also brings chefs out of the kitchen. The restaurant will offer different moods for breakfast or dinner, for family groups or couples and for informal meals or special-occasion dinners. [pic] 5. 15 The Main Bar The â€Å"Skipper’s Deck†is the main bar of the hotel. It is close to the main restaurant as it provides easy accessibility to guests. The bar is very spacious with seating all around it and can accommodate around 75 guests. The bar also faces the sea and guests are able to admire the seaside as well as the sunset in the evening. A variety of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks are made available to guests. There are the classic cocktails as well as the exotic ones prepared by the barman. The bar is in an open space which makes it really accessible to guests who can spend their day relaxing there. There is also a corner where artists make their representations at night to improve the overall atmosphere. [pic] 5. 16 Tourist shops Tourist shops provide a space where guests can do their shopping with souvenirs, clothes, artifacts†¦ at hand. In the tourist shops, one can have Mauritian handicrafts and souvenirs and also the guests have access to useful stationary that can be use to send post cards to relatives and friends during their holidays. [pic] 5. 17 The Patio Patios are typically made of concrete or stone slabs laid over a firm base. This base is often formed of a layer of compacted hardcore, a layer of sharp sand, and a layer of cement mortar. The firmness and stability of the base is essential to the robustness of the top layer of slabs an infirm base will typically result in cracked slabs. Patios that hold a lot of weight, such as driveways, require stronger foundations than those that are designed for light use. A patio is an outdoor space generally used for dining or recreation that often adjoins a residence. The patio of our hotel is found near the main bar and is on a terrace from which the guests can have a sea-side view. For the decoration we have covered the concrete floor with teak wood. The guests can relax and have their food in the open area. [pic] 5. 18 The Coffee shop Coffee shops focus on providing coffee and tea as well as light snacks. The coffee shop is mainly used by tourists who are both waiting to check in or check out and is available on a 24hr basis. The coffee shop provides a rapid service and it can be used as a place for relaxation. [pic] 6. 0 Materials and decorations The materials which have been used in the designing of the lobby have been meticulously chosen. The materials are durable and particularly esthetic for the lobby. They have also been chosen in accordance with the theme of the hotel which is a tropical style. Durable materials are indeed very costly but however, they can resist and maintain them with the high traffic, impact and scrapping. Tropical style Tropical chic is one of the most popular looks today. It includes comfort, warmth, and a touch of the exotic, using jungle themes, restful colors, and natural textural elements. Its a style that has fresh appeal with touches of traditional. This is not the multi-colored jungle look you might choose for a childs room. It mixes lots of texture and intricate pattern with simple details and a few large accessories. Common motifs include stylized palm trees, large leafed banana plants, monkeys, animal prints, rattan, leather, and grass cloth. Here are some of the underlying elements and themes of a tropical look of our lobby. Colors This tropical palette is influenced by palm trees and sunny skies. Other palettes may include brighter hues reflecting the culture and history of the region. A Balinese interior will have deeper, richer colors. Furniture and Finishes Exotic hardwoods like teak, rosewood and â€Å"koa†are used for furniture. Natural materials like cane, sea grass, water hyacinth, banana leaf and rattan are woven to form chairs, sofas and tables and a myriad of accents. Fabrics Look for prints that feature palm trees and their far-reaching fronds and tropical plants with vivid, beautiful blooms like hibiscus, anthurium, orchid and Bird of Paradise. For a more refined look incorporate Thai silks and floral-printed linen. Art and Accessories Look to the beach for inspiration and find ways to incorporate them into the room. Tropical plants set in wicker planters, shells displayed in jars or shadow boxes and baskets, mats and rugs made of natural materials like rattan and sea grass will all infuse the room with a warm-weather attitude.
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